CoreUI PRO v5.7.0

CoreUI PRO v5.7.0

We are thrilled to announce the release of CoreUI PRO v5.7.0. This release focuses on new features, significant refactors, and essential dependency updates to enhance the stability, performance, and functionality of the CoreUI library.

How to Update

To update your project to CoreUI PRO v5.7.0, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project’s package.json.
  2. Locate the @coreui/coreui-pro entry under dependencies and update the version to 5.7.0.
  3. Save the changes to your package.json file.
  4. In your project’s root directory, run the appropriate command:
    • npm users: npm install
    • yarn users: yarn install

What’s New


  • feat(CDatePicker, CDateRangePicker): Added support to append the dropdown to a specific element.
  • feat(RangeSlider): Introduced a new Bootstrap Range Slider component.
  • feat(TimePicker): Added support to append the dropdown to a specific element.


  • refactor(DatePicker, DateRangePicker, TimePicker): Improved accessibility and usability.
  • refactor(Calendar, DatePicker, DateRangePicker, TimePicker): Enhanced RTL (Right-to-Left) support.
  • refactor(DatePicker, DateRangePicker): Updated font size handling and improved accessibility.

Dependency Updates

This release also includes updates to several dependencies:

  • Updated @docsearch/js from ^3.6.2 to ^3.7.0
  • Updated hugo-bin from ^0.133.5 to ^0.135.0
  • Updated postcss from ^8.4.47 to ^8.4.49
  • Updated rollup from ^4.24.1 to ^4.25.0
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