CoreUI PRO for React v5.6.0

CoreUI PRO for React v5.6.0

We are excited to announce the release of CoreUI PRO for React v5.6.0. This update introduces new features, important refactors, and dependency updates to enhance the functionality and performance of the CoreUI library.

How to Update

To update your project to CoreUI PRO for React v5.6.0, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project’s package.json.
  2. Locate the @coreui/react-pro entry under dependencies and update the version number to 5.6.0.
  3. Find the @coreui/coreui-pro entry under dependencies and update the version number to 5.4.2.
  4. Save your changes to the package.json file.
  5. In your project’s root directory, run the update command appropriate for your package manager:
    • For npm users, execute npm install.
    • For yarn users, execute yarn install.

What’s New


  • docs(CSmartTable): Updated documentation with enhanced examples to showcase advanced functionality and usage patterns for CSmartTable, making it easier for developers to implement and understand the component.


  • feat(CBreadcrumb): Introduced support for passing custom components as breadcrumb items, giving developers more flexibility to customize breadcrumb elements according to their needs.
  • feat(CSmartTable): Added support for custom sorting functions, allowing developers to implement more complex or domain-specific sorting logic.
  • feat(CSmartTable): Enabled multi-column sorting, empowering users to sort table data across multiple columns for a more refined and interactive data display experience.


  • fix(CFormSelect): Corrected the missing selected attribute in option typings, ensuring proper form behavior and preventing selection issues in the dropdown.
  • fix(CRow): Resolved an issue where additional props were not passed to the underlying component, ensuring all properties are applied as expected.
  • fix(CTabs): Added the missing disabled prop, improving the component’s usability and allowing developers to disable tabs when necessary.
  • fix(CToast): Changed the special prop key to innerKey to avoid conflicts with React’s key handling, ensuring smoother rendering and updates of toasts.

Dependency Updates

  • Updated @coreui/coreui from ^5.1.0 to ^5.1.2
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from ^7.15.0 to ^8.6.0
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/parser from ^7.15.0 to ^8.6.0
  • Updated @testing-library/jest-dom from ^6.4.8 to ^6.5.0
  • Updated @testing-library/react from ^16.0.0 to ^16.0.1
  • Updated @types/jest from ^29.5.12 to ^29.5.13
  • Updated @types/react from 18.3.3 to 18.3.8
  • Updated @types/react-transition-group from ^4.4.10 to ^4.4.11
  • Updated eslint-plugin-react from ^7.35.0 to ^7.36.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-offline from ^6.13.2 to ^6.13.3
  • Updated lerna from ^8.1.7 to ^8.1.8
  • Updated prism-react-renderer from ^2.3.1 to ^2.4.0
  • Updated rollup from ^4.19.2 to ^4.22.4
  • Updated sass from ^1.77.8 to ^1.79.3
  • Updated ts-jest from ^29.2.4 to ^29.2.5
  • Updated tslib from ^2.6.3 to ^2.7.0
  • Updated typescript from ^5.5.4 to ^5.6.2
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