CoreUI is the fastest way to build a modern dashboard for any platforms, browser or device. A complete Dashboard UI Kit that allows you to quickly build eye-catching, high-quality, high-performance responsive applications.
Admin Panel Template
The fastest way to start using CoreUI is to download our ready to use admin template.
Add CoreUI to an existing project
Looking to quickly add CoreUI to your project? Use following links or download source files.
Copy-paste the stylesheet <link> into your <head> before all other stylesheets to load our CSS.
Multiple of our components need the use of JavaScript to function. Especially, they need jQuery, Popper.js, and our own JavaScript plugins. Put the following <script>s near the end of your pages, right before the closing </body> tag, to enable them. jQuery must come first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap and then our JavaScript plugins.
Install CoreUI in your Node.js powered apps with the npm package:
Starter template
Be sure to have your pages set up with the latest design and development standards. That means using an HTML5 doctype and including a viewport meta tag for proper responsive behaviors. Put it all together and your pages should look like this:
Stay up to date on the development of CoreUI and reach out to the community with these helpful resources.