CoreUI Laravel & Bootstrap admin dashboard delivers a bunch of responsive, customizable, and reusable components you need to create modern, beautiful, responsive apps.
# clone the repo
$ git clone my-project
# go into app's directory
$ cd my-project
# install app's dependencies
$ composer install
# install app's dependencies
$ npm install
# create database
$ touch database/database.sqlite
Copy file “.env.example”, and change its name to “.env”. Then in file “.env” replace this database configuration:
To this:
* DB_DATABASE=/path_to_your_project/database/database.sqlite
# in your app directory
# generate laravel APP_KEY
$ php artisan key:generate
# run database migration and seed
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# generate mixing
$ npm run dev
# and repeat generate mixing
$ npm run dev
# start local server
$ php artisan serve
# test
$ php vendor/bin/phpunit
Open your browser with address: localhost:8000
Click “Notes” on topbar menu and log in with credentials:
This user has roles: user and admin * Role user is required for notes management. * Role admin is required for users management.
Instructions for CoreUI Free Laravel admin template only. Pro and Vue.js versions have separate instructions.
To add a link to the sidebar - modify seeds file:
In run()
function - add insertLink()
$id = $this->insertLink( $rolesString, $visibleName, $href, $iconString);
- a string with list of user roles this menu element will be available, ex. "guest,user,admin"
- a string caption visible in sidebar$href
- a href, ex. /homepage
- a string containing valid CoreUI Icon name (kebab-case), ex. cui-speedometer
or cui-star
To add a title to the sidebar - use function insertTitle()
$id = $this->insertTitle( $rolesString, $title );
- a string with list of user roles this menu element will be available, ex. "guest,user,admin"
- a string caption visible in sidebarTo add a dropdown menu to the sidebar - use function beginDropdown()
$id = $this->beginDropdown( $rolesString, $visibleName, $iconString);
- a string with list of user roles this menu element will be available, ex. "guest,user,admin"
- a string caption visible in sidebar$iconString
- a string containing valid CoreUI icon name (kebab-case). For example: cui-speedometer
or cui-star
To end dropdown section - use function endDropdown()
To add link to dropdown call function insertLink()
between function calls beginDropdown()
and endDropdown()
$id = $this->beginDropdown('guest,user,admin', 'Some dropdown', 'cui-puzzle');
$id = $this->insertLink('guest,user,admin', 'Dropdown name', '');
IMPORTANT - At the end of run()
function, call joinAllByTransaction()
Once done with seeds file edit, run:
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# This command also rollbacks database and migrates it again.