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On this page
|`customTooltips`|Enables custom html based tooltips|`boolean`|_true_
|`data`|The data passed to Chart.js chart|[`ChartData`](|**required**
|`options`|The options object that is passed into the Chart.js chart|[`ChartOptions`](|_undefined_
|`plugins`|The plugins array that is passed into the Chart.js chart|[`PluginOptionsByType`](|_undefined_
|`redraw`|If true, will tear down and redraw chart on all updates|`boolean`|_false_
|`type`|Chart.js chart type.|[`keyof ChartTypeRegistry`](|_bar_
|`wrapper`|Put the chart into the wrapper with `display: block`.|`boolean`|_true_
|`height`|Height attribute applied to the rendered canvas (px)|`number`|_undefined_
|`width`|Width attribute applied to the rendered canvas (px)|`number`|_undefined_
|`id`|Html id attribute applied to the rendered canvas|`string`|_undefined_
##### Outputs:
|`chartRef`|Returns Chart reference when instantiated. Allows direct access to Chart API.
|`getDatasetAtEvent`|Proxy for Chart.js getDatasetAtEvent. Calls with dataset and triggering event.
|`getElementAtEvent`|Proxy for Chart.js getElementAtEvent. Calls with single element array and triggering event.
|`getElementsAtEvent`|Proxy for Chart.js getElementsAtEvent. Calls with element array and triggering event.
## See also
- Chart.js docs [](