New Year sale. Skyrocket your business in 2025!
Extra 25% off for all sale items + Free CoreUI Icons PRO with every order!
Limited-time offer for the first 100 customers in 2025. Use code 2025SKY25 at checkout.
Limited-time offer for the first 100 customers in 2025. Use code 2025SKY25 at checkout.
On this page
| name | description | type | default |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| `color` | Sets the color context of the component| `string` | `'primary'` |
|`dismissible`| adds a close button to alert for self dismiss | `boolean`|_false_
|`fade`| adds optional animation for dismissible alert|`boolean`|_false_|
|`variant`| Set the alert variant to a solid | `string: 'solid'` |_undefined_|
|`visible`| toggle visibility of alert component|`boolean`|_true_|
##### Outputs
| name | description | type |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- |
| `visibleChange` | Event triggered on the alert dismiss. | `boolean` |
### cAlertHeading
### cAlertLink