New Year sale. Skyrocket your business in 2025!
Extra 25% off for all sale items + Free CoreUI Icons PRO with every order!
Limited-time offer for the first 100 customers in 2025. Use code 2025SKY25 at checkout.
Limited-time offer for the first 100 customers in 2025. Use code 2025SKY25 at checkout.
On this page
| name | description | type | default |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| `ariaNextMonthLabel` | A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the next month in the calendar. This label is read by screen readers to describe the action associated with the button. | `string` | _Next month_ |
| `ariaNextYearLabel` | A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the next year in the calendar. This label is intended for screen readers to help users understand the button's functionality. | `string` | _Next year_ |
| `ariaPrevMonthLabel` | A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the previous month in the calendar. Screen readers will use this label to explain the purpose of the button. | `string` | _Previous month_ |
| `ariaPrevYearLabel` | A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the previous year in the calendar. This label helps screen reader users understand the button's function. | `string` | _Previous year_ |
| `calendarDate` | Default date month of the component. | `Date` | _undefined_ |
| `calendars` | The number of calendars that render on desktop devices. | `number` | _1_ |
| `dateFilter` | Custom function to determine selectable dates. | `(date: Date) => boolean`) | _undefined_ |
| `dayFormat` | Set the format of day number. | `numeric` \| `2-digit` \| `(date: Date) => string \| number` | _numeric_ |
| `disabledDates` | List of dates that cannot be selected. | `(Date` \| `Date[])[]` | _undefined_ |
| `endDate` | Initial selected start date. | `Date` | _undefined_ |
| `firstDayOfWeek` | Sets the first day of a week. | `number` | _1_ (Monday) |
| `locale` | Sets the default locale for components. If not set, it is inherited from the browser. | `string` | _default_ |
| `maxDate` | Max selectable date. | `Date` | _undefined_ |
| `minDate` | Min selectable date. | `Date` | _undefined_ |
| `navYearFirst` | Reorder year-month navigation, and render year first. | `boolean` | _false_ |
| `navigation` | Show arrows navigation. | `boolean` | _true_ |
| `range` | Allow range selection. | `boolean` | _undefined_ |
| `selectAdjacentDays` | Days in adjacent months shown before or after the current month are selectable. This only applies if the `showAdjacentDays` option is set to `true`. | `boolean` | _false_ |
| `selectionType` | Specify the type of date selection as day, week, month, or year. | `day` \| `week` \| `month` \| `year` | _day_ |
| `showAdjacentDays` | Display dates in adjacent months (non-selectable) at the start/end of the current month. | `boolean` | _true_ |
| `showWeekNumber` | Display ISO week numbers in month view. | `boolean` | _undefined_ |
| `startDate` | Initial selected start date. | `Date` | _undefined_ |
| `weekNumbersLabel` | Label displayed over week numbers in the calendar. | `string` | _undefined_ |
| `weekdayFormat` | Set length or format of day name. | `number` \| `long` \| `narrow` \| `short` | _2_ |
##### Outputs
| name | description | type |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- |
| `startDateChange` | Event emitted on `startDate` change | `Date` |
| `endDateChange` | Event emitted on `startDate` change | `Date` |
| `dateHover` | Event emitted on calendar cell hover | `Date` |
| `calendarDateChange` | Event emitted on calendar month change | `Date` |
| `viewChange` | Event emitted on `view` change | `days \| months \| years` |