|`activeIndex`|Index of the active item|`number`|_0_|
|`animate`|Carousel automatically starts cycle items|`boolean`|_true_|
|`dark`|Add darker controls, indicators, and captions|`boolean`|_undefined_|
|`direction`|Carousel direction|`next, prev`|_next_|
|`interval`|The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item. If false, carousel will not automatically cycle|`number`|_0_|
|`pause`|`hover` pauses the cycling of the carousel on `mouseenter` and resumes on `mouseleave`. When set to `false`, hovering won't pause|`hover \| false`|_hover_|
|`touch`|Support left/right swipe interactions on touchscreen devices.|`boolean`|_true_|
|`transition`|Type of the transition|`slide, crossfade`|_slide_|
|`wrap`|Set whether the carousel should cycle continuously or have hard stops|`boolean`|_true_|
##### Outputs
|`itemChange`|Event emitted on carousel item change|`number`||
### c-carousel-caption
### c-carousel-control
##### Inputs
|`caption`|Carousel control caption |`string`|_0_|
|`direction`|Carousel control direction|`prev, next`|_next_|
### c-carousel-indicators
### c-carousel-inner
### c-carousel-item
##### Inputs
|`interval`|Time delay before cycling to next item. If -1, uses carousel interval value.|`number`|_-1_|