On this page
Angular Header Component
Documentation and examples for Angular Header - a powerful, responsive navigation header. Includes support for branding, links, dropdowns, and more.
|`container`| Defines optional container wrapping children elements | `Container` |_undefined_|`boolean , string`
|`position`| Place a footer in non-static positions | `Positions` |_undefined_|`fixed, sticky`
|`role`| Default role for a header |`string`|_header_||
### c-header-brand
##### Inputs
|`role`| Default role for a header-brand |`string`|_button_||
### c-header-nav
##### Inputs
|`role`| Default role for a header-nav |`string`|_navigation_||
### cHeaderText
### cHeaderToggler
##### Inputs
|`type`| Default type for a header-brand |`string`|_button_||
|`aria-label`| Default aria-label attr for header-toggler |`string`|_Toggle navigation_||