On this page
It's worth noting that this feature may not always be relevant, depending on the specific use case of the multiselect component. In some cases, it may be preferable to restrict the user to selecting only pre-existing options, while in other cases, allowing for the creation of new options may be essential. It's important to consider the specific requirements of your application when deciding whether to enable this feature.
| name | description | type | default |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| `allowCreateOptions`
##### Outputs
| Allow users to create options if they are not in the list of options | `boolean` | _false_ |
| `cleaner` | Enables selection cleaner element `'active'`
makes cleaner always active | `boolean \| 'active'` |_true_|
| `clearSearchOnSelect` 4.5.15+
| Clear current search on selecting an item | `boolean` |_false_|
| `disabled` | Disables multi-select component | `boolean` |_false_|
| `loading` 4.5.5+
| Enable virtual scroller for options list | `boolean` |_false_|
| `options` | List of option elements for virtualScroller | `IOption` |_[]_|
| name | description | type |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- |
| `valueChange` | Event emitted on `value` change | `string \| number \| (string \| number)[]` |
| `visibleChange` | Event emitted on `visible` change | `boolean` |
| `searchValueChange` | Event emitted on `searchValue` change | `string` |
### c-multi-select-option
##### Inputs
| name | description | type | default |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| `disabled` | Disables option element | `boolean` |_false_|
| `id` | Html id attribute for option | `string` |_autogenerated_|
| `label` | Option label | `string` |_undefined_|
| `optionsStyle` | Option style | `checkbox` \| `text` |_checkbox_|
| `role` | Role for option element | `string` |_option_|
| `selected` | Selects option element | `boolean` |_false_|
| `value` | Option value
`number` type allowed since
### c-multi-select-optgroup
##### Inputs
`number` type allowed since
| `string \| number` |_undefined_|
| name | description | type | default |
| ---- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| `disabled` | Disables all options in optgroup | `boolean` |_false_|
| `label` | Options group label | `string` |_undefined_|