On this page
CoreUI 5 Angular Migration
Track and review changes to the CoreUI Angular components to help you migrate from v4 to v5.
## Template layout `src/app/layuut/default-layout/` **CoreUI v4** ``` ─ c-sidebar ├─ c-sidebar-brand ├─ c-sidebar-nav └─ c-sidebar-toggler ─ c-sidebar #aside ─ div class="wrapper" ├─ c-header │ ├─ c-container fluid │ ├─ c-header-divider │ └─ c-container fluid │ └─ c-breadcrumb-router ├─ div class="body" │ └─ c-container │ └─-router-outlet └─ c-footer ``` **CoreUI v5** ``` ├─ c-sidebar │ ├─ c-sidebar-header │ │ └─ c-sidebar-brand │ ├─ c-sidebar-nav │ └─ c-sidebar-footer │ └─ cSidebarToggler ├─ div class="wrapper" │ └─ app-header │ ├─ c-container fluid │ │ │─ cSidebarToggle │ │ └─ c-header-nav │ └─ c-container fluid │ └─ c-breadcrumb-router ├─ div class="body" │ └─ c-container │ └─-router-outlet ├─ app-footer └─ app-aside ``` ## Styles See: `src/scss/style.scss` ## Components
|`c-avatar` | `textColor` | uses `TextColorDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-badge`| `textColor` | uses `TextColorDirective` via directive composition api
|| `textBgColor` | uses `TextBgColorDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-card`| `textColor` | uses `TextColorDirective` via directive composition api
|| `textBgColor` | uses `TextBgColorDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-carousel`| `dark` | uses `ThemeDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-close-button`| `white` | deprecated property, use `dark` instead
|`c-close-button`| `dark` | uses `ThemeDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-nav`| `variant` | The `underline` variant has been changed to `underline-border`
|`c-date-picker`| `inputDateFormat` | custom date format function
|| `inputDateParse` | custom date parse function
|| `showWeekNumber` | display ISO week number
|`c-date-range-picker`| `inputDateFormat` | custom date format function
|| `inputDateParse` | custom date parse function
|| `showWeekNumber` | display ISO week number
|`c-dropdown`| `dark` | uses `ThemeDirective` via directive composition api
|`cDropdownMenu`| `dark` | uses `ThemeDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-navbar`| `colorScheme` | uses `ThemeDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-offcanvas`| `dark` | uses `ThemeDirective` via directive composition api
|`c-progress`| | simplified HTML structure
|`c-sidebar-toggler`| | removed, use `cSidebarToggler` directive instead
|`c-smart-table`| | removed `_id` internal property for items
## Directives
|`TextColorDirective`| `cTextColor` |removed| `muted`, `high-emphasis`, `medium-emphasis`, `disabled`, `high-emphasis-inverse`, `medium-emphasis-inverse`, `disabled-inverse`
|||new| `primary-emphasis`, `secondary-emphasis`, `success-emphasis`, `danger-emphasis`, `warning-emphasis`, `info-emphasis`, `light-emphasis`, `body`, `body-emphasis`, `body-secondary`, `body-tertiary`, `black`, `black-50`, `white`, `white-50`