CoreUI Angular Template Installation
Learn how to use CoreUI Angular Admin Dashboard Templates including npm scripts to build templates, compile source code, run tests, and more.
## Tooling setup
CoreUI Angular Admin Templates uses [npm scripts]( for its build system. Our
`package.json` includes convenient methods for working with the framework, including compiling code, running tests,
and more.
To use our build system and run CoreUI admin template locally, you'll need the following:
- `Node.js` with `npm` package manager,
- Angular CLI,
- a copy of CoreUI Angular Admin Template source files.
Follow these steps and you should be ready to rock:
1. [Download and install Node.js](, which we use to run scripts and manage our dependencies.
1. [Install the Angular CLI](, to perform a variety of
ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.
3. [Download CoreUI Angular Admin Template]( or [Download CoreUI PRO Angular Admin Template](
4. **Install dependencies** - navigate to the root template directory and run `npm install` to pull local dependencies listed in `package.json`.
When completed, you'll be able to run the various commands provided from the command line.
## Using npm scripts
Our `package.json` includes numerous tasks for developing the project.
Run `npm run` to see all the npm scripts in your terminal.
**Primary tasks include:**
| Task | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `npm start` | Compiles CSS and JavaScript and starts a local dev server at [http://localhost:4200/](http://localhost:4200/) |
| `npm run build` | Compiles CoreUI Angular application into `dist/` directory |
| `npm test` | Runs tests locally |
## Local template
Here's how to get it started:
1. Run through the tooling setup above to install all dependencies.
2. From the root template directory, run `npm start` in the command line.
3. Open [`http://localhost:4200`](http://localhost:4200) in your browser, and... voilĂ !
## Troubleshooting
Should you encounter problems with installing dependencies, uninstall all previous dependency versions (global and local).
In some cases it may require removing the whole `node_modules/` subdirectory.
Then, run `npm install` again.