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Bootstrap 5 Calendar


The Bootstrap Calendar Component is a versatile, customizable tool for creating responsive calendars in Bootstrap, supporting day, month, and year selection, and global locales.

Other frameworks

CoreUI components are available as native Angular, React, and Vue components. To learn more please visit the following pages.


Explore the Bootstrap 5 Calendar component’s basic usage through sample code snippets demonstrating its core functionality.


Select specific days using the Bootstrap Calendar component. The example below shows basic usage.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
    class="border rounded"


Set the data-coreui-selection-type to week to enable selection of entire week. You can also use data-coreui-show-week-number="true" to show week numbers.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
    class="border rounded"


Set the data-coreui-selection-type to month to enable selection of entire months.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
    class="border rounded"


Set the data-coreui-selection-type to year to enable years range selection.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
    class="border rounded"

Multiple calendar panels

Display multiple calendar panels side by side by setting the data-coreui-calendars attribute. This can be useful for selecting ranges or comparing dates across different months.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
    class="border rounded"

Range selection

Enable range selection by adding data-coreui-range="true" to allow users to pick a start and end date. This example demonstrates how to configure the Bootstrap 5 Calendar component to handle date ranges.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
    class="border rounded"

Disabled dates

The Bootstrap Calendar component includes functionality to disable specific dates, such as weekends or holidays, using the disabledDates option. It accepts:

  • A single Date or an array of Date objects.
  • A function or an array of functions that take a Date object as an argument and return a boolean indicating whether the date should be disabled.
  • A mixed array of Date objects and functions.

To disable certain dates, you can provide them in an array. For date ranges, use nested arrays, where each inner array indicates a start date and an end date for that range:

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div id="myCalendarDisabledDates" class="border rounded"></div>
const myCalendarDisabledDates = document.getElementById('myCalendarDisabledDates')
if (myCalendarDisabledDates) {
  const optionsCalendarDisabledDates = {
    calendarDate: new Date(2022, 2, 1),
    calendars: 2,
    disabledDates: [
      [new Date(2022, 2, 4), new Date(2022, 2, 7)],
      new Date(2022, 2, 16),
      new Date(2022, 3, 16),
      [new Date(2022, 4, 2), new Date(2022, 4, 8)]
    locale: 'en-US',
    maxDate: new Date(2022, 5, 0),
    minDate: new Date(2022, 1, 1)

  new coreui.Calendar(myCalendarDisabledDates, optionsCalendarDisabledDates)

Disabling weekends

To disable weekends, provide a function for the disabledDates option. Here’s the method:

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div id="myCalendarDisabledDates2" class="border rounded"></div>
const myCalendarDisabledDates2 = document.getElementById('myCalendarDisabledDates2')
if (myCalendarDisabledDates2) {
  const disableWeekends = date => {
    const day = date.getDay()
    return day === 0 || day === 6

  const optionsCalendarDisabledDates2 = {
    calendars: 2,
    disabledDates: disableWeekends,
    locale: 'en-US'

  new coreui.Calendar(myCalendarDisabledDates2, optionsCalendarDisabledDates2)

In the example above:

  • disableWeekends is a function that checks if a date falls on a Saturday (6) or a Sunday (0).
  • The disabledDates option utilizes the disableWeekends function to disable all weekends in the calendar.

Combining functions and specific dates

You can also combine specific dates and functions in the disabledDates array. For instance:

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div id="myCalendarDisabledDates3" class="border rounded"></div>
const myCalendarDisabledDates3 = document.getElementById('myCalendarDisabledDates3')
if (myCalendarDisabledDates3) {
  const disableWeekends = date => {
    const day = date.getDay()
    return day === 0 || day === 6

  const specificDates = [
    new Date(2024, 10, 25),
    new Date(2024, 11, 4),
    new Date(2024, 11, 12)

  const optionsCalendarDisabledDates3 = {
    calendarDate: new Date(2024, 10, 1),
    calendars: 2,
    disabledDates: [disableWeekends, ...specificDates],
    locale: 'en-US'

  new coreui.Calendar(myCalendarDisabledDates3, optionsCalendarDisabledDates3)

In this example:

  • disableWeekends disables weekends as before.
  • specificDates is an array of specific dates to disable.
  • The disabledDates option combines both, allowing you to disable weekends and specific dates simultaneously.

Non-english locale

The CoreUI Bootstrap Calendar allows users to display dates in non-English locales, making it suitable for international applications.


By default, the Calendar component uses the browser’s default locale. However, you can easily configure it to use a different locale supported by the JavaScript Internationalization API. This feature helps create inclusive and accessible applications for a diverse audience.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div class="border rounded" data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>


Here is an example of the Bootstrap Calendar component with Chinese locale settings.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div class="border rounded" data-coreui-locale="zh-CN" data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>


Below is an example of the Calendar component with Japanese locale settings.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div class="border rounded" data-coreui-locale="ja" data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>


Here is an example of the Calendar component with Korean locale settings.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center" dir="rtl">
  <div class="border rounded" data-coreui-locale="ko" data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>

Right to left support

RTL support is built-in and can be explicitly controlled through the $enable-rtl variables in scss.


Example of the Calendar component with RTL support, using the Hebrew locale.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center" dir="rtl">
  <div class="border rounded" data-coreui-locale="he-IL" data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>


Example of the Bootstrap Calendar component with Persian locale settings.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <div class="border rounded" data-coreui-locale="fa-IR" data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>


Heads up! In our documentation, all examples show standard CoreUI implementation. If you are using a Bootstrap-compatible version of CoreUI, remember to use the following changes:

  • In the constructor, please use bootstrap instead of coreui. For example, new bootstrap.Alert(...) instead of new coreui.Alert(...)
  • In events, please use bs instead of coreui, for example close.bs.alert instead of close.coreui.alert
  • In data attributes, please use bs instead of coreui. For example, data-bs-toggle="..." instead of data-coreui-toggle="..."

Via data attributes

Add data-coreui-toggle="calendar" to a div element.

<div data-coreui-toggle="calendar"></div>

Via JavaScript

Call the time picker via JavaScript:

<div class="calendar"></div>
const calendarElementList = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.calendar'))
const calendarList = calendarElementList.map(calendarEl => {
  return new coreui.Calendar(calendarEl)


As options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript, you can append an option name to data-coreui-, as in data-coreui-animation="{value}". Make sure to change the case type of the option name from “camelCase” to “kebab-case” when passing the options via data attributes. For example, use data-coreui-custom-class="beautifier" instead of data-coreui-customClass="beautifier".

As of CoreUI 4.2.0, all components support an experimental reserved data attribute data-coreui-config that can house simple component configuration as a JSON string. When an element has data-coreui-config='{"delay":0, "title":123}' and data-coreui-title="456" attributes, the final title value will be 456 and the separate data attributes will override values given on data-coreui-config. In addition, existing data attributes are able to house JSON values like data-coreui-delay='{"show":0,"hide":150}'.

Name Type Default Description
ariaNavNextMonthLabel string 'Next month' A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the next month in the calendar. This label is read by screen readers to describe the action associated with the button.
ariaNavNextYearLabel string 'Next year' A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the next year in the calendar. This label is intended for screen readers to help users understand the button’s functionality.
ariaNavPrevMonthLabel string 'Previous month' A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the previous month in the calendar. Screen readers will use this label to explain the purpose of the button.
ariaNavPrevYearLabel string 'Previous year' A string that provides an accessible label for the button that navigates to the previous year in the calendar. This label helps screen reader users understand the button’s function.
calendarDate date, number, string, null null Default date of the component.
calendars number 2 The number of calendars that render on desktop devices.
disabledDates array, function, null null Specify the list of dates that cannot be selected.
endDate date, number, string, null null Initial selected to date (range).
firstDayOfWeek number 1

Sets the day of start week.

  • 0 - Sunday
  • 1 - Monday
  • 2 - Tuesday
  • 3 - Wednesday
  • 4 - Thursday
  • 5 - Friday
  • 6 - Saturday
locale string 'default' Sets the default locale for components. If not set, it is inherited from the navigator.language.
maxDate date, number, string, null null Max selectable date.
minDate date, number, string, null null Min selectable date.
range boolean false Allow range selection
selectAdjacementDays boolean false Set whether days in adjacent months shown before or after the current month are selectable. This only applies if the showAdjacementDays option is set to true.
selectionType 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year' day Specify the type of date selection as day, week, month, or year.
showAdjacementDays boolean true Set whether to display dates in adjacent months (non-selectable) at the start and end of the current month.
showWeekNumber boolean false Set whether to display week numbers in the calendar.
startDate date, number, string, null null Initial selected date.
weekdayFormat number, ’long’, ’narrow’, ‘short’ 2 Set length or format of day name.
weekNumbersLabel string null Label displayed over week numbers in the calendar.


Method Description
update Updates the configuration of the calendar.
dispose Destroys a component. (Removes stored data on the DOM element)
getInstance Static method which allows you to get the calendar instance associated to a DOM element, you can use it like this: coreui.Calendar.getInstance(element)
getOrCreateInstance Static method which returns a calendar instance associated to a DOM element or create a new one in case it wasn’t initialized. You can use it like this: coreui.Calendar.getOrCreateInstance(element)


Method Description
calendarDateChange.coreui.calendar Callback fired when the calendar date changed.
calendarMouseleave.coreui.calendar Callback fired when the cursor leave the calendar.
cellHover.coreui.calendar Callback fired when the user hovers over the calendar cell.
endDateChange.coreui.calendar Callback fired when the end date changed.
selectEndChange.coreui.calendar Callback fired when the selection type changed.
startDateChange.coreui.calendar Callback fired when the start date changed.
const myCalendar = document.getElementById('myCalendar')
myCalendar.addEventListener('endDateChange.coreui.calendar', date => {
  // do something...


CSS variables

Calendar use local CSS variables on .calendar for enhanced real-time customization. Values for the CSS variables are set via Sass, so Sass customization is still supported, too.

--#{$prefix}calendar-table-margin: #{$calendar-table-margin};
--#{$prefix}calendar-table-cell-size: #{$calendar-table-cell-size};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-padding: #{$calendar-nav-padding};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-border-color: #{$calendar-nav-border-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-border: #{$calendar-nav-border-width} solid var(--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-border-color);
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-date-color: #{$calendar-nav-date-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-date-hover-color: #{$calendar-nav-date-hover-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-width: #{$calendar-nav-icon-width};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-height: #{$calendar-nav-icon-height};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-double-next: #{escape-svg($calendar-nav-icon-double-next)};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-double-prev: #{escape-svg($calendar-nav-icon-double-prev)};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-next: #{escape-svg($calendar-nav-icon-next)};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-prev: #{escape-svg($calendar-nav-icon-prev)};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-color: #{$calendar-nav-icon-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-nav-icon-hover-color: #{$calendar-nav-icon-hover-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-header-inner-color: #{$calendar-cell-header-inner-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-week-number-color: #{$calendar-cell-week-number-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-hover-color: #{$calendar-cell-hover-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-hover-bg: #{$calendar-cell-hover-bg};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-focus-box-shadow: #{$calendar-cell-focus-box-shadow};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-disabled-color: #{$calendar-cell-disabled-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-selected-color: #{$calendar-cell-selected-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-selected-bg: #{$calendar-cell-selected-bg};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-range-bg: #{$calendar-cell-range-bg};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-range-hover-bg: #{$calendar-cell-range-hover-bg};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-range-hover-border-color: #{$calendar-cell-range-hover-border-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-today-color: #{$calendar-cell-today-color};
--#{$prefix}calendar-cell-week-number-color: #{$calendar-cell-week-number-color};

SASS variables

$calendar-table-margin:                      .5rem;
$calendar-table-cell-size:                   2.75rem;

$calendar-nav-padding:                       .5rem;
$calendar-nav-border-width:                  1px;
$calendar-nav-border-color:                  var(--#{$prefix}border-color);
$calendar-nav-date-color:                    var(--#{$prefix}body-color);
$calendar-nav-date-hover-color:              var(--#{$prefix}primary);
$calendar-nav-icon-width:                    1rem;
$calendar-nav-icon-height:                   1rem;
$calendar-nav-icon-color:                    var(--#{$prefix}tertiary-color);
$calendar-nav-icon-hover-color:              var(--#{$prefix}body-color);

$calendar-nav-icon-double-next:              url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 512 512' role='img'><polygon fill='#000' points='95.314 447.313 72.686 424.687 245.373 252 72.686 79.313 95.314 56.687 290.627 252 95.314 447.313'></polygon><polygon fill='#000' points='255.314 447.313 232.686 424.687 405.373 252 232.686 79.313 255.314 56.687 450.627 252 255.314 447.313'></polygon></svg>");
$calendar-nav-icon-double-prev:              url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 512 512' role='img'><polygon fill='#000' points='416.686 447.313 221.373 252 416.686 56.687 439.314 79.313 266.627 252 439.314 424.687 416.686 447.313'></polygon><polygon fill='#000' points='256.686 447.313 61.373 252 256.686 56.687 279.314 79.313 106.627 252 279.314 424.687 256.686 447.313'></polygon></svg>");
$calendar-nav-icon-next:                     url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 512 512' role='img'><polygon fill='#000' points='179.313 451.313 156.687 428.687 329.372 256 156.687 83.313 179.313 60.687 374.627 256 179.313 451.313'></polygon></svg>");
$calendar-nav-icon-prev:                     url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 512 512' role='img'><polygon fill='#000' points='324.687 451.313 129.373 256 324.687 60.687 347.313 83.313 174.628 256 347.313 428.687 324.687 451.313'></polygon></svg>");

$calendar-cell-header-inner-color:           var(--#{$prefix}secondary-color);
$calendar-cell-week-number-color:            var(--#{$prefix}secondary-color);

$calendar-cell-hover-color:                  var(--#{$prefix}body-color);
$calendar-cell-hover-bg:                     var(--#{$prefix}tertiary-bg);
$calendar-cell-disabled-color:               var(--#{$prefix}tertiary-color);

$calendar-cell-focus-box-shadow:             $focus-ring-box-shadow;

$calendar-cell-selected-color:               $white;
$calendar-cell-selected-bg:                  var(--#{$prefix}primary);

$calendar-cell-range-bg:                     rgba(var(--#{$prefix}primary-rgb), .125);
$calendar-cell-range-hover-bg:               rgba(var(--#{$prefix}primary-rgb), .25);
$calendar-cell-range-hover-border-color:     var(--#{$prefix}primary);

$calendar-cell-today-color:                  var(--#{$prefix}danger);

$calendar-cell-week-number-color:            var(--#{$prefix}tertiary-color);