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Bootstrap 5 Range Slider

Range Slider

Enhance your forms with our customizable Bootstrap 5 Range Slider component for advanced range selection.

Other frameworks

CoreUI components are available as native Angular, React, and Vue components. To learn more please visit the following pages.


The Bootstrap 5 Range Slider component allows users to select a value or range of values within a predefined range. Unlike the standard <input type="range">, the Range Slider offers enhanced customization options, including multiple handles, labels, tooltips, and vertical orientation. It ensures consistent styling across browsers and provides a rich set of features for advanced use cases.

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider"
     data-coreui-labels="Low, Medium, High">


  • Multiple Handles: Select single or multiple values within the range.
  • Custom Labels: Display labels at specific points on the slider.
  • Tooltips: Show dynamic tooltips displaying current values.
  • Vertical Orientation: Rotate the slider for vertical layouts.
  • Clickable Labels: Enable users to click on labels to set slider values.
  • Disabled State: Disable the slider to prevent user interaction.

Basic Range Slider

Create a simple range slider with default settings.

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="50"></div>

Multiple handles

Enable multiple handles to allow the selection of a range or/and multiple values.

<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="20,40"></div>
<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="20,40,60"></div>
<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="20,40,60,80"></div>

Vertical Range Slider

Rotate the slider to a vertical orientation.

<div class="d-flex">
  <div class="me-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="20" data-coreui-vertical="true"></div>
  <div class="me-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="20,80" data-coreui-vertical="true"></div>
  <div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="20,80,100" data-coreui-vertical="true"></div>


Disable the slider to prevent user interaction.

<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="50" data-coreui-disabled="true"></div>
<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="50, 75" data-coreui-disabled="true"></div>

Min and max

Range Slider has implicit values for min and max0 and 100, respectively. You may specify new values for those using the min and max attributes.

<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-min="-50" data-coreui-max="150" data-coreui-value="50"></div>
<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-min="-50" data-coreui-max="150" data-coreui-value="50, 75"></div>


Range Slider inputs automatically “snap” to whole numbers. To modify this behavior, set a step value. In the example below, we increase the number of steps by specifying step="0.25".

<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-step="0.25" data-coreui-value="50" ></div>
<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-step="0.25" data-coreui-value="50, 75"></div>


Sets the minimum distance between multiple slider handles by setting distance and ensures that the handles do not overlap or get too close.

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-distance="10" data-coreui-value="50, 75"></div>


Add labels to specific points on the slider for better context. If you provide an array of strings, as in the example below, then labels will be spaced at equal distances from the beginning to the end of the slider.

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="30,70" data-coreui-labels="Start, Middle, End"></div>

Labels customization

Labels can be configured as an array of strings or objects. When using objects, you can specify additional properties like value, label, class, and style.

<div id="myRangeSliderCustomLabels"></div>
const myRangeSliderCustomLabels = document.getElementById('myRangeSliderCustomLabels')
if (myRangeSliderCustomLabels) {
  const optionsRangeSliderCustomLabels = {
    min: -50,
    max: 100,
    labels: [
        value: -50,
        label: '-50°C',
        class: 'text-info'
        value: 0,
        label: '0°C',
        style: {
          fontWeight: 'bold'
        value: 20,
        label: '20°C',
        class: ['text-warning']
        value: 100,
        label: '100°C',
        class: 'text-danger'
    tooltipsFormat: value => `${value}°C`,
    value: [-10, 40]
  new coreui.RangeSlider(myRangeSliderCustomLabels, optionsRangeSliderCustomLabels)

Clickable labels

By default, users can click on labels to set the slider to specific values. You can disable this feature by setting clickableLabels to false.

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-clickable-labels="false" data-coreui-value="20,80" data-coreui-labels="Low,Medium,High"></div>


By default, tooltips display the current value of each handle. You can disable tooltips by setting tooltips to false

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="40,60" data-coreui-tooltips="false"></div>

Tooltips formatting

Customize the content of tooltips using the tooltipsFormat option. This can be a function that formats the tooltip text based on the current value.

<div id="myRangeSliderCustomTooltips"></div>
const myRangeSliderCustomTooltips = document.getElementById('myRangeSliderCustomTooltips')
if (myRangeSliderCustomTooltips) {
  const optionsRangeSliderCustomTooltips = {
    max: 1000,
    labels: [
        value: 0,
        label: '$0'
        value: 250,
        label: '$250'
        value: 500,
        label: '$500'
        value: 1000,
        label: '$1000'
    tooltipsFormat: value => `$${value}`,
    value: [100, 350]
  new coreui.RangeSlider(myRangeSliderCustomTooltips, optionsRangeSliderCustomTooltips)


The data-coreui-track option allows you to customize how the slider’s track is displayed. By default, the data-coreui-track option is set to 'fill' enabling dynamic filling of the track based on the slider’s current value(s). This means the filled portion of the track will adjust automatically as the slider handle(s) move, offering a responsive visual representation of the selected range.

Disable filling

If you set data-coreui-track to false, the slider’s track will not display any fill. Only the default track background will be visible, which can be useful for minimalist designs or when you use more then two handles.

<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-track="false" data-coreui-value="50" ></div>
<div class="mb-3" data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-track="false" data-coreui-value="50, 75"></div>
<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-track="false" data-coreui-value="25, 50, 75"></div>


Via data attributes

Heads up! In our documentation, all examples show standard CoreUI implementation. If you are using a Bootstrap-compatible version of CoreUI, remember to use the following changes:

  • In the constructor, please use bootstrap instead of coreui. For example, new bootstrap.Alert(...) instead of new coreui.Alert(...)
  • In events, please use bs instead of coreui, for example close.bs.alert instead of close.coreui.alert
  • In data attributes, please use bs instead of coreui. For example, data-bs-toggle="..." instead of data-coreui-toggle="..."

Add data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" to a div element.

<div data-coreui-toggle="range-slider" data-coreui-value="50">

Via JavaScript

Call the Range Slider component via JavaScript:

<div id="myRangeSlider"></div>
const rangeSliderElement = document.getElementById('myRangeSlider')
const rangeSlider = new RangeSlider(rangeSliderElement, {
  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  step: 1,
  distance: 10,
  value: [20, 80],
  labels: ['Low', 'Medium', 'High'],
  clickableLabels: true,
  tooltips: true,
  tooltipsFormat: value => `$${value}`


As options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript, you can append an option name to data-coreui-, as in data-coreui-animation="{value}". Make sure to change the case type of the option name from “camelCase” to “kebab-case” when passing the options via data attributes. For example, use data-coreui-custom-class="beautifier" instead of data-coreui-customClass="beautifier".

As of CoreUI 4.2.0, all components support an experimental reserved data attribute data-coreui-config that can house simple component configuration as a JSON string. When an element has data-coreui-config='{"delay":0, "title":123}' and data-coreui-title="456" attributes, the final title value will be 456 and the separate data attributes will override values given on data-coreui-config. In addition, existing data attributes are able to house JSON values like data-coreui-delay='{"show":0,"hide":150}'.

Name Type Default Description
clickableLabels boolean true Enables or disables the ability to click on labels to set slider values.
disabled boolean false Disables the slider, making it non-interactive and grayed out.
distance number 0 Sets the minimum distance between multiple slider handles.
labels array, boolean, string false Adds labels to the slider. Can be an array of label objects, a comma-separated string, or false.
max number 100 Defines the maximum value of the slider.
min number 0 Defines the minimum value of the slider.
name array, string, null null Sets the name attribute for each slider input.
step number, string 1 Specifies the increment step for slider values.
tooltips boolean true Enables or disables tooltips that display current slider values.
tooltipsFormat function, null null Provides a custom formatting function for tooltip values.
track boolean, ‘fill’ 'fill' Controls the visual representation of the slider’s track. When set to 'fill', the track is dynamically filled based on the slider’s value(s). Setting it to false disables the filled track.
value array, number 0 Sets the initial value(s) of the slider.
vertical boolean false Rotates the slider to a vertical orientation.


Method Description
update Updates the configuration of the Range Slider Component.
dispose Destroys a component. (Removes stored data on the DOM element)
getInstance Static method which allows you to get the Range Slider instance associated to a DOM element, you can use it like this: coreui.RangeSlider.getInstance(element)
getOrCreateInstance Static method which returns a Range Slider instance associated to a DOM element or create a new one in case it wasn’t initialized. You can use it like this: coreui.Rating.getOrCreateInstance(element)


Method Description
change.coreui.range-slider Fired when the slider value changes.
const myRangeSlider = document.getElementById('myRangeSlider')
myRangeSlider.addEventListener('change.coreui.range-slider', event => {
  // do something...


The Range Slider component is built with accessibility in mind. Each slider handle includes the following ARIA attributes:

  • role="slider"
  • aria-valuemin: Minimum value
  • aria-valuemax: Maximum value
  • aria-valuenow: Current value
  • aria-orientation: horizontal or vertical

Additionally, ensure that labels and tooltips are clear and descriptive to provide the best experience for all users.


CSS variables

Bootstap Range Sliders use local CSS variables on .range-slider for enhanced real-time customization. Values for the CSS variables are set via Sass, so Sass customization is still supported, too.

--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-width: #{$range-slider-track-width};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-height: #{$range-slider-track-height};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-cursor: #{$range-slider-track-cursor};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-bg: #{$range-slider-track-bg};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-border-radius: #{$range-slider-track-border-radius};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-box-shadow: #{$range-slider-track-box-shadow};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-track-in-range-bg: #{$range-slider-track-in-range-bg};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-disabled-track-in-range-bg: #{$range-slider-disabled-track-in-range-bg};

--#{$prefix}range-slider-label-padding-y: #{$range-slider-label-padding-y};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-label-padding-x: #{$range-slider-label-padding-x};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-label-font-size: #{$range-slider-label-font-size};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-label-color: #{$range-slider-label-color};

--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-width: #{$range-slider-thumb-width};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-height: #{$range-slider-thumb-height};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-bg: #{$range-slider-thumb-bg};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-border: #{$range-slider-thumb-border};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-border-radius: #{$range-slider-thumb-border-radius};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-box-shadow: #{$range-slider-thumb-box-shadow};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-focus-box-shadow: #{$range-slider-thumb-focus-box-shadow};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-active-bg: #{$range-slider-thumb-active-bg};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-disabled-bg: #{$range-slider-thumb-disabled-bg};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-thumb-transition: #{$range-slider-thumb-transition};

--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-zindex: #{$zindex-tooltip};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-padding-y: #{$range-slider-tooltip-padding-y};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-padding-x: #{$range-slider-tooltip-padding-x};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-margin-end: #{$range-slider-tooltip-margin-end};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-margin-bottom: #{$range-slider-tooltip-margin-bottom};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-font-size: #{$range-slider-tooltip-font-size};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-color: #{$range-slider-tooltip-color};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-bg: #{$range-slider-tooltip-bg};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-border-radius: #{$range-slider-tooltip-border-radius};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-box-shadow: #{$range-slider-tooltip-box-shadow};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-transition: #{$range-slider-tooltip-transition};

--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-arrow-width: #{$range-slider-tooltip-arrow-width};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-tooltip-arrow-height: #{$range-slider-tooltip-arrow-height};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-vertical-track-width: #{$range-slider-vertical-track-width};
--#{$prefix}range-slider-vertical-track-height: #{$range-slider-vertical-track-height};

SASS variables

$range-slider-track-width:                 100%;
$range-slider-track-height:                .5rem;
$range-slider-track-cursor:                pointer;
$range-slider-track-bg:                    var(--#{$prefix}secondary-bg);
$range-slider-track-border-radius:         1rem;
$range-slider-track-box-shadow:            var(--#{$prefix}box-shadow-inset);

$range-slider-track-in-range-bg:           rgba(var(--#{$prefix}primary-rgb), .5);
$range-slider-disabled-track-in-range-bg:  rgba(var(--#{$prefix}secondary-rgb), .375);

$range-slider-label-padding-y:             0;
$range-slider-label-padding-x:             0;
$range-slider-label-font-size:             $font-size-sm;
$range-slider-label-color:                 var(--#{$prefix}body-color);

$range-slider-thumb-width:                 1rem;
$range-slider-thumb-height:                $range-slider-thumb-width;
$range-slider-thumb-bg:                    $component-active-bg;
$range-slider-thumb-border:                0;
$range-slider-thumb-border-radius:         1rem;
$range-slider-thumb-box-shadow:            0 .1rem .25rem rgba($black, .1);
$range-slider-thumb-focus-box-shadow:      0 0 0 1px $body-bg, $input-focus-box-shadow;
$range-slider-thumb-active-bg:             tint-color($primary, 70%);
$range-slider-thumb-disabled-bg:           rgba(var(--#{$prefix}secondary-rgb), 1);
$range-slider-thumb-transition:            background-color .15s ease-in-out, border-color .15s ease-in-out, box-shadow .15s ease-in-out;

$range-slider-tooltip-padding-y:           $spacer * .25;
$range-slider-tooltip-padding-x:           $spacer * .5;
$range-slider-tooltip-margin-end:          .25rem;
$range-slider-tooltip-margin-bottom:       .25rem;
$range-slider-tooltip-font-size:           $font-size-sm;
$range-slider-tooltip-color:               var(--#{$prefix}body-color);
$range-slider-tooltip-bg:                  var(--#{$prefix}secondary-bg);
$range-slider-tooltip-border-radius:       var(--#{$prefix}border-radius);
$range-slider-tooltip-box-shadow:          var(--#{$prefix}box-shadow);
$range-slider-tooltip-transition:          visibility .15s, opacity .15s ease;

$range-slider-tooltip-arrow-width:         .8rem;
$range-slider-tooltip-arrow-height:        .4rem;

$range-slider-vertical-track-width:        .5rem;
$range-slider-vertical-track-height:       10rem;