React Avatar Component


The React Avatar component is used to display circular user profile pictures. React avatars can portray people or objects and support images, icons, or letters.

Other frameworks

CoreUI components are available as native Angular, Bootstrap (Vanilla JS), and Vue components. To learn more please visit the following pages.

Image avatars#

Showcase React avatars using images. These avatars are typically circular and can display user profile pictures.

<CAvatar src={Avatar1} />
<CAvatar src={Avatar2} />
<CAvatar src={Avatar3} />

Letter avatars#

Use letters inside avatars to represent users or objects when images are not available. This can be useful for displaying initials.

<CAvatar color="primary" textColor="white">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="warning" textColor="white">CUI</CAvatar>

Icons avatars#

Incorporate icons within React avatars, allowing for a visual representation using scalable vector graphics (SVG).

<CAvatar color="info" textColor="white">
<svg id="cib-coreui-c" className="icon" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M27.912 7.289l-10.324-5.961c-0.455-0.268-1.002-0.425-1.588-0.425s-1.133 0.158-1.604 0.433l0.015-0.008-10.324 5.961c-0.955 0.561-1.586 1.582-1.588 2.75v11.922c0.002 1.168 0.635 2.189 1.574 2.742l0.016 0.008 10.322 5.961c0.455 0.267 1.004 0.425 1.59 0.425 0.584 0 1.131-0.158 1.602-0.433l-0.014 0.008 10.322-5.961c0.955-0.561 1.586-1.582 1.588-2.75v-11.922c-0.002-1.168-0.633-2.189-1.573-2.742zM27.383 21.961c0 0.389-0.211 0.73-0.526 0.914l-0.004 0.002-10.324 5.961c-0.152 0.088-0.334 0.142-0.53 0.142s-0.377-0.053-0.535-0.145l0.005 0.002-10.324-5.961c-0.319-0.186-0.529-0.527-0.529-0.916v-11.922c0-0.389 0.211-0.73 0.526-0.914l0.004-0.002 10.324-5.961c0.152-0.090 0.334-0.143 0.53-0.143s0.377 0.053 0.535 0.144l-0.006-0.002 10.324 5.961c0.319 0.185 0.529 0.527 0.529 0.916z"></path><path d="M22.094 19.451h-0.758c-0.188 0-0.363 0.049-0.515 0.135l0.006-0.004-4.574 2.512-5.282-3.049v-6.082l5.282-3.051 4.576 2.504c0.146 0.082 0.323 0.131 0.508 0.131h0.758c0.293 0 0.529-0.239 0.529-0.531v-0.716c0-0.2-0.11-0.373-0.271-0.463l-0.004-0.002-5.078-2.777c-0.293-0.164-0.645-0.26-1.015-0.26-0.39 0-0.756 0.106-1.070 0.289l0.010-0.006-5.281 3.049c-0.636 0.375-1.056 1.055-1.059 1.834v6.082c0 0.779 0.422 1.461 1.049 1.828l0.009 0.006 5.281 3.049c0.305 0.178 0.67 0.284 1.061 0.284 0.373 0 0.723-0.098 1.027-0.265l-0.012 0.006 5.080-2.787c0.166-0.091 0.276-0.265 0.276-0.465v-0.716c0-0.293-0.238-0.529-0.529-0.529z"></path>
<CAvatar color="success" textColor="white">
<svg id="cib-coreui-c" className="icon" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M27.912 7.289l-10.324-5.961c-0.455-0.268-1.002-0.425-1.588-0.425s-1.133 0.158-1.604 0.433l0.015-0.008-10.324 5.961c-0.955 0.561-1.586 1.582-1.588 2.75v11.922c0.002 1.168 0.635 2.189 1.574 2.742l0.016 0.008 10.322 5.961c0.455 0.267 1.004 0.425 1.59 0.425 0.584 0 1.131-0.158 1.602-0.433l-0.014 0.008 10.322-5.961c0.955-0.561 1.586-1.582 1.588-2.75v-11.922c-0.002-1.168-0.633-2.189-1.573-2.742zM27.383 21.961c0 0.389-0.211 0.73-0.526 0.914l-0.004 0.002-10.324 5.961c-0.152 0.088-0.334 0.142-0.53 0.142s-0.377-0.053-0.535-0.145l0.005 0.002-10.324-5.961c-0.319-0.186-0.529-0.527-0.529-0.916v-11.922c0-0.389 0.211-0.73 0.526-0.914l0.004-0.002 10.324-5.961c0.152-0.090 0.334-0.143 0.53-0.143s0.377 0.053 0.535 0.144l-0.006-0.002 10.324 5.961c0.319 0.185 0.529 0.527 0.529 0.916z"></path><path d="M22.094 19.451h-0.758c-0.188 0-0.363 0.049-0.515 0.135l0.006-0.004-4.574 2.512-5.282-3.049v-6.082l5.282-3.051 4.576 2.504c0.146 0.082 0.323 0.131 0.508 0.131h0.758c0.293 0 0.529-0.239 0.529-0.531v-0.716c0-0.2-0.11-0.373-0.271-0.463l-0.004-0.002-5.078-2.777c-0.293-0.164-0.645-0.26-1.015-0.26-0.39 0-0.756 0.106-1.070 0.289l0.010-0.006-5.281 3.049c-0.636 0.375-1.056 1.055-1.059 1.834v6.082c0 0.779 0.422 1.461 1.049 1.828l0.009 0.006 5.281 3.049c0.305 0.178 0.67 0.284 1.061 0.284 0.373 0 0.723-0.098 1.027-0.265l-0.012 0.006 5.080-2.787c0.166-0.091 0.276-0.265 0.276-0.465v-0.716c0-0.293-0.238-0.529-0.529-0.529z"></path>
<CAvatar color="danger" textColor="white">
<svg id="cib-coreui-c" className="icon" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M27.912 7.289l-10.324-5.961c-0.455-0.268-1.002-0.425-1.588-0.425s-1.133 0.158-1.604 0.433l0.015-0.008-10.324 5.961c-0.955 0.561-1.586 1.582-1.588 2.75v11.922c0.002 1.168 0.635 2.189 1.574 2.742l0.016 0.008 10.322 5.961c0.455 0.267 1.004 0.425 1.59 0.425 0.584 0 1.131-0.158 1.602-0.433l-0.014 0.008 10.322-5.961c0.955-0.561 1.586-1.582 1.588-2.75v-11.922c-0.002-1.168-0.633-2.189-1.573-2.742zM27.383 21.961c0 0.389-0.211 0.73-0.526 0.914l-0.004 0.002-10.324 5.961c-0.152 0.088-0.334 0.142-0.53 0.142s-0.377-0.053-0.535-0.145l0.005 0.002-10.324-5.961c-0.319-0.186-0.529-0.527-0.529-0.916v-11.922c0-0.389 0.211-0.73 0.526-0.914l0.004-0.002 10.324-5.961c0.152-0.090 0.334-0.143 0.53-0.143s0.377 0.053 0.535 0.144l-0.006-0.002 10.324 5.961c0.319 0.185 0.529 0.527 0.529 0.916z"></path><path d="M22.094 19.451h-0.758c-0.188 0-0.363 0.049-0.515 0.135l0.006-0.004-4.574 2.512-5.282-3.049v-6.082l5.282-3.051 4.576 2.504c0.146 0.082 0.323 0.131 0.508 0.131h0.758c0.293 0 0.529-0.239 0.529-0.531v-0.716c0-0.2-0.11-0.373-0.271-0.463l-0.004-0.002-5.078-2.777c-0.293-0.164-0.645-0.26-1.015-0.26-0.39 0-0.756 0.106-1.070 0.289l0.010-0.006-5.281 3.049c-0.636 0.375-1.056 1.055-1.059 1.834v6.082c0 0.779 0.422 1.461 1.049 1.828l0.009 0.006 5.281 3.049c0.305 0.178 0.67 0.284 1.061 0.284 0.373 0 0.723-0.098 1.027-0.265l-0.012 0.006 5.080-2.787c0.166-0.091 0.276-0.265 0.276-0.465v-0.716c0-0.293-0.238-0.529-0.529-0.529z"></path>

Rounded avatars#

Use the shape="rounded" prop to make react avatars squared with rounded corners.

<CAvatar color="primary" textColor="white" shape="rounded">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary" shape="rounded">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="warning" textColor="white" shape="rounded">CUI</CAvatar>

Square avatars#

Use the shape="rounded-0" prop to make react avatars squared.

<CAvatar color="primary" textColor="white" shape="rounded-0">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary" shape="rounded-0">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="warning" textColor="white" shape="rounded-0">CUI</CAvatar>


Fancy larger or smaller react avatar component? Add size="xl", size="lg", size="md" or size="sm" for additional sizes.

<CAvatar color="secondary" size="xl">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary" size="lg">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary" size="md">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary">CUI</CAvatar>
<CAvatar color="secondary" size="sm">CUI</CAvatar>

Avatars with status#

Add a status indicator to avatars using the status property to show online or offline status.

<CAvatar src={Avatar1} status="success" />
<CAvatar color="secondary" status="danger">CUI</CAvatar>


CSS variables#

React avatars use local CSS variables on .avatar for enhanced real-time customization. Values for the CSS variables are set via Sass, so Sass customization is still supported, too.

--cui-avatar-width: #{$avatar-width};
--cui-avatar-height: #{$avatar-height};
--cui-avatar-font-size: #{$avatar-font-size};
--cui-avatar-border-radius: #{$avatar-border-radius};
--cui-avatar-status-width: #{$avatar-status-width};
--cui-avatar-status-height: #{$avatar-status-height};
--cui-avatar-status-border-radius: #{$avatar-status-border-radius};

How to use CSS variables#

const vars = {
'--my-css-var': 10,
'--my-another-css-var': 'red',
return <CAvatar style={vars}>...</CAvatar>

SASS variables#

$avatar-width: 2rem !default;
$avatar-height: 2rem !default;
$avatar-font-size: .8rem !default;
$avatar-border-radius: 50em !default;
$avatar-status-width: .5rem !default;
$avatar-status-height: .5rem !default;
$avatar-status-border-radius: 50em !default;
$avatar-transition: margin .15s !default;
$avatar-sizes: (
sm: (
width: 1.5rem,
height: 1.5rem,
font-size: .6rem,
status-width: .4rem,
status-height: .4rem
md: (
width: 2.5rem,
height: 2.5rem,
font-size: 1rem,
status-width: .7rem,
status-height: .7rem
lg: (
width: 3rem,
height: 3rem,
font-size: 1.2rem,
status-width: .8rem,
status-height: .8rem
xl: (
width: 4rem,
height: 4rem,
font-size: 1.6rem,
status-width: 1rem,
status-height: 1rem
) !default;



import { CAvatar } from '@coreui/react'
// or
import CAvatar from '@coreui/react/src/components/avatar/CAvatar'
classNameA string of all className you want applied to the component.string-
colorSets the color context of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors.'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string-
shapeSelect the shape of the component.'rounded' | 'rounded-top' | 'rounded-end' | 'rounded-bottom' | 'rounded-start' | 'rounded-circle' | 'rounded-pill' | 'rounded-0' | 'rounded-1' | 'rounded-2' | 'rounded-3' | string-
sizeSize the component small, large, or extra large.string-
srcThe src attribute for the img element.string-
statusSets the color context of the status indicator to one of CoreUI’s themed colors.'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string-
textColorSets the text color of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors.'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | 'primary-emphasis' | 'secondary-emphasis' | 'success-emphasis' | 'danger-emphasis' | 'warning-emphasis' | 'info-emphasis' | 'light-emphasis' | 'body' | 'body-emphasis' | 'body-secondary' | 'body-tertiary' | 'black' | 'black-50' | 'white' | 'white-50' | string-