React Chart.js Component API

Chart.js API

Explore the API reference for the React Chart.js component and discover how to effectively utilize its props for customization.

On this page


import { CChart } from '@coreui/react-chartjs'
// or
import CChart from '@coreui/react-chartjs/src/CChart'

A string of all className you want applied to the base component.


Enables custom html based tooltips instead of standard tooltips.

data#-ChartData<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, ((canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => ChartData<...>)

The data object that is passed into the Chart.js chart (more info).


A fallback for when the canvas cannot be rendered. Can be used for accessible chart descriptions.

getDatasetAtEvent#-(dataset: InteractionItem[], event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLCanvasElement>) => void

Proxy for Chart.js getDatasetAtEvent. Calls with dataset and triggering event.

getElementAtEvent#-(element: InteractionItem[], event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLCanvasElement>) => void

Proxy for Chart.js getElementAtEvent. Calls with single element array and triggering event.

getElementsAtEvent#-(elements: InteractionItem[], event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLCanvasElement>) => void

Proxy for Chart.js getElementsAtEvent. Calls with element array and triggering event.


Height attribute applied to the rendered canvas.


ID attribute applied to the rendered canvas.

options#-_DeepPartialObject<CoreChartOptions<keyof ChartTypeRegistry> & ElementChartOptions<keyof ChartTypeRegistry> & PluginChartOptions<...> & DatasetChartOptions<...> & ScaleChartOptions<...>>

The options object that is passed into the Chart.js chart.

plugins#[]Plugin<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, AnyObject>[]

The plugins array that is passed into the Chart.js chart (more info)


If true, will tear down and redraw chart on all updates.

type#bar{'line' | 'bar' | 'radar' | 'doughnut' | 'polarArea' | 'bubble' | 'pie' | 'scatter'}

Chart.js chart type.


Width attribute applied to the rendered canvas.


Put the chart into the wrapper div element.