React Close Button Component

Close Button

A generic close button component for dismissing content like modals and alerts.

Other frameworks

CoreUI components are available as native Angular, Bootstrap (Vanilla JS), and Vue components. To learn more please visit the following pages.


Provide an option to dismiss or close a component with <CCloseButton>. Default styling is limited, but highly customizable. Modify the Sass variables to replace the default background-image.

<CCloseButton />

Disabled state#

Disabled close buttons change their opacity. We've also applied pointer-events: none and user-select: none to preventing hover and active states from triggering.

<CCloseButton disabled />

Dark variant#

Add dark boolean property to the <CCloseButton>, to invert the close button. This uses the filter property to invert the background-image without overriding its value.

<CCloseButton dark />
<CCloseButton dark disabled />



import { CCloseButton } from '@coreui/react'
// or
import CCloseButton from '@coreui/react/src/components/close-button/CCloseButton'
classNameA string of all className you want applied to the base component.string-
darkInvert the default color.boolean-
disabledToggle the disabled state for the component.boolean-
Deprecated 5.0.0+
Change the default color to white.boolean-