React Sidebar Component


Other Frameworks

CoreUI components are available as native Angular, Bootstrap (Vanilla JS), and Vue components. To learn more please visit the following pages.

Supported content#

Sidebar come with built-in support for a handful of sub-components. Choose from the following as needed:

  • <CSidebarHeader> for optional header.
  • <CSidebarBrand> for your company, product, or project name.
  • <CSidebarNav> for a full-height and lightweight navigation (including support for dropdowns).
  • <CSidebarFooter> for optional footer.
  • <CSidebarToggler> for use with our minimizer plugin.


Below is an sidebar example that is shown by default on desktop devices.

Narrow sidebar#

Add the narrow property to make the sidebar narrow.

Unfoldable sidebar#

Add the unfoldable property to make the sidebar narrow with unfoldable on hover.

Dark sidebar#

Change the appearance of sidebars with the colorScheme="dark".


By default placement for sidebar components is on the left of the viewport, but you can add one of the modifier classes below.

  • placement="start" places sidebar on the left of the viewport (shown above)
  • placement="end" places sidebar on the right of the viewport


Check out the documentation below for a comprehensive guide to all the props you can use with the components mentioned here.