React Tooltip Component API

Tooltip API

Explore the API reference for the React Tooltip component and discover how to effectively utilize its props for customization.

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import { CTooltip } from '@coreui/react'
// or
import CTooltip from '@coreui/react/src/components/tooltip/CTooltip'

Enables or disables the CSS fade transition for the React Tooltip.


Adds a custom class name to the React Tooltip container. Useful for overriding default styles or applying additional design choices.

container#4.11.0+document.bodyElement, DocumentFragment, (() => Element | DocumentFragment)

Appends the React Tooltip to a specific element instead of the default document.body. You may pass:

  • A DOM element (HTMLElement or DocumentFragment)
  • A function that returns a single element
  • null
<CTooltip container={document.getElementById('my-container')}>...</CTooltip>

Content to be displayed within the React Tooltip. Can be a string or any valid React node.

delay#4.9.0+0number, { show: number; hide: number; }

The delay (in milliseconds) before showing or hiding the React Tooltip.

  • If provided as a number, the delay is applied to both "show" and "hide".
  • If provided as an object, it should have distinct "show" and "hide" values.
// Delays 300ms on both show and hide
<CTooltip delay={300}>...</CTooltip>
// Delays 500ms on show and 100ms on hide
<CTooltip delay={{ show: 500, hide: 100 }}>...</CTooltip>
fallbackPlacements#4.9.0+['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left')[]

Array of fallback placements for the React Tooltip to use when the preferred placement cannot be achieved. These placements are tried in order.

offset#[0, 6][number, number]

Adjusts the offset of the React Tooltip relative to its target. Expects a tuple [x-axis, y-axis].

// Offset the menu 0px in X and 10px in Y direction
<CTooltip offset={[0, 10]}>...</CTooltip>
// Offset the menu 5px in both X and Y direction
<CTooltip offset={[5, 5]}>...</CTooltip>
onHide#-() => void

Callback fired immediately after the React Tooltip is hidden.

onShow#-() => void

Callback fired immediately after the React Tooltip is shown.

placement#top'auto', 'top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left'

Initial placement of the React Tooltip. Note that Popper.js modifiers may alter this placement automatically if there's insufficient space in the chosen position.

popperConfig#5.5.0+-Partial<Options>, ((defaultPopperConfig: Partial<Options>) => Partial<Options>)

Customize the Popper.js configuration used to position the React Tooltip. Pass either an object or a function returning a modified config. Learn more

popperConfig={(defaultConfig) => ({
strategy: 'fixed',
modifiers: [
{ name: 'computeStyles', options: { adaptive: false } },
trigger#['hover', 'focus']'hover', 'focus', 'click', ('hover' | 'focus' | 'click')[]

Determines the events that toggle the visibility of the React Tooltip. Can be a single trigger or an array of triggers.

// Hover-only tooltip
<CTooltip trigger="hover">...</CTooltip>
// Hover + click combined
<CTooltip trigger={['hover', 'click']}>...</CTooltip>

Controls the visibility of the React Tooltip.

  • true to show the tooltip.
  • false to hide the tooltip.