React Widgets
React widget components give information about the app statistics.
On this page
$9.000 (40.9% )
Widget title
$9.000 (40.9% )
Widget title
$9.000 (40.9% )
Widget title
$9.000 (40.9% )
Widget title
<CRow> <CCol sm={6}> <CWidgetStatsA className="mb-4" color="primary" value={ <> $9.000{' '} <span className="fs-6 fw-normal"> (40.9% <CIcon icon={cilArrowTop} />) </span> </> } title="Widget title" action={ <CDropdown alignment="end"> <CDropdownToggle color="transparent" caret={false} className="p-0"> <CIcon icon={cilOptions} className="text-white" /> </CDropdownToggle> <CDropdownMenu> <CDropdownItem>Action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Another action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Something else here...</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</CDropdownItem> </CDropdownMenu> </CDropdown> } chart={ <CChartLine className="mt-3 mx-3" style={{ height: '70px' }} data={{ labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', pointBackgroundColor: '#5856d6', data: [65, 59, 84, 84, 51, 55, 40], }, ], }} options={{ plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { x: { border: { display: false, }, grid: { display: false, drawBorder: false, }, ticks: { display: false, }, }, y: { min: 30, max: 89, display: false, grid: { display: false, }, ticks: { display: false, }, }, }, elements: { line: { borderWidth: 1, tension: 0.4, }, point: { radius: 4, hitRadius: 10, hoverRadius: 4, }, }, }} /> } /> </CCol> <CCol sm={6}> <CWidgetStatsA className="mb-4" color="info" value={ <> $9.000{' '} <span className="fs-6 fw-normal"> (40.9% <CIcon icon={cilArrowTop} />) </span> </> } title="Widget title" action={ <CDropdown alignment="end"> <CDropdownToggle color="transparent" caret={false} className="p-0"> <CIcon icon={cilOptions} className="text-white" /> </CDropdownToggle> <CDropdownMenu> <CDropdownItem>Action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Another action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Something else here...</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</CDropdownItem> </CDropdownMenu> </CDropdown> } chart={ <CChartLine className="mt-3 mx-3" style={{ height: '70px' }} data={{ labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', pointBackgroundColor: '#39f', data: [1, 18, 9, 17, 34, 22, 11], }, ], }} options={{ plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { x: { border: { display: false, }, grid: { display: false, drawBorder: false, }, ticks: { display: false, }, }, y: { min: -9, max: 39, display: false, grid: { display: false, }, ticks: { display: false, }, }, }, elements: { line: { borderWidth: 1, }, point: { radius: 4, hitRadius: 10, hoverRadius: 4, }, }, }} /> } /> </CCol> <CCol sm={6}> <CWidgetStatsA className="mb-4" color="warning" value={ <> $9.000{' '} <span className="fs-6 fw-normal"> (40.9% <CIcon icon={cilArrowTop} />) </span> </> } title="Widget title" action={ <CDropdown alignment="end"> <CDropdownToggle color="transparent" caret={false} className="p-0"> <CIcon icon={cilOptions} className="text-white" /> </CDropdownToggle> <CDropdownMenu> <CDropdownItem>Action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Another action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Something else here...</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</CDropdownItem> </CDropdownMenu> </CDropdown> } chart={ <CChartLine className="mt-3" style={{ height: '70px' }} data={{ labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.2)', borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', data: [78, 81, 80, 45, 34, 12, 40], fill: true, }, ], }} options={{ plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { x: { display: false, }, y: { display: false, }, }, elements: { line: { borderWidth: 2, tension: 0.4, }, point: { radius: 0, hitRadius: 10, hoverRadius: 4, }, }, }} /> } /> </CCol> <CCol sm={6}> <CWidgetStatsA className="mb-4" color="danger" value={ <> $9.000{' '} <span className="fs-6 fw-normal"> (40.9% <CIcon icon={cilArrowTop} />) </span> </> } title="Widget title" action={ <CDropdown alignment="end"> <CDropdownToggle color="transparent" caret={false} className="p-0"> <CIcon icon={cilOptions} className="text-white" /> </CDropdownToggle> <CDropdownMenu> <CDropdownItem>Action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Another action</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem>Something else here...</CDropdownItem> <CDropdownItem disabled>Disabled action</CDropdownItem> </CDropdownMenu> </CDropdown> } chart={ <CChartBar className="mt-3 mx-3" style={{ height: '70px' }} data={{ labels: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', ], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.2)', borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', data: [78, 81, 80, 45, 34, 12, 40, 85, 65, 23, 12, 98, 34, 84, 67, 82], barPercentage: 0.6, }, ], }} options={{ maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, scales: { x: { grid: { display: false, drawTicks: false, }, ticks: { display: false, }, }, y: { border: { display: false, }, grid: { display: false, drawBorder: false, drawTicks: false, }, ticks: { display: false, }, }, }, }} /> } /> </CCol></CRow>
Widget title
Widget helper text
Widget title
Widget helper text
<CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsB className="mb-3" progress={{ color: 'success', value: 75 }} text="Widget helper text" title="Widget title" value="89.9%" /> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsB className="mb-3" color="primary" inverse progress={{ value: 75 }} text="Widget helper text" title="Widget title" value="89.9%" /> </CCol></CRow>
Widget title
Widget title
<CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsC className="mb-3" icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={36} />} progress={{ color: 'success', value: 75 }} text="Widget helper text" title="Widget title" value="89.9%" /> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsC className="mb-3" icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={36} />} color="primary" inverse progress={{ value: 75 }} text="Widget helper text" title="Widget title" value="89.9%" /> </CCol></CRow>
<CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsD className="mb-3" icon={<CIcon className="my-4 text-white" icon={cibFacebook} height={52} />} chart={ <CChartLine className="position-absolute w-100 h-100" data={{ labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.1)', borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#fff', borderWidth: 2, data: [65, 59, 84, 84, 51, 55, 40], fill: true, }, ], }} options={{ elements: { line: { tension: 0.4, }, point: { radius: 0, hitRadius: 10, hoverRadius: 4, hoverBorderWidth: 3, }, }, maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, scales: { x: { display: false, }, y: { display: false, }, }, }} /> } style={{ '--cui-card-cap-bg': '#3b5998' }} values={[ { title: 'friends', value: '89K' }, { title: 'feeds', value: '459' }, ]} /> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsD className="mb-3" icon={<CIcon className="my-4 text-white" icon={cibTwitter} height={52} />} chart={ <CChartLine className="position-absolute w-100 h-100" data={{ labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.1)', borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#fff', borderWidth: 2, data: [1, 13, 9, 17, 34, 41, 38], fill: true, }, ], }} options={{ elements: { line: { tension: 0.4, }, point: { radius: 0, hitRadius: 10, hoverRadius: 4, hoverBorderWidth: 3, }, }, maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, scales: { x: { display: false, }, y: { display: false, }, }, }} /> } style={{ '--cui-card-cap-bg': '#00aced' }} values={[ { title: 'folowers', value: '973K' }, { title: 'tweets', value: '1.792' }, ]} /> </CCol></CRow>
Widget title
Widget title
<CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsE className="mb-3" chart={ <CChartBar className="mx-auto" style={{ height: '40px', width: '80px' }} data={{ labels: ['M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S', 'M'], datasets: [ { backgroundColor: '#321fdb', borderColor: 'transparent', borderWidth: 1, data: [41, 78, 51, 66, 74, 42, 89, 97, 87, 84, 78, 88, 67, 45, 47], }, ], }} options={{ maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, scales: { x: { display: false, }, y: { display: false, }, }, }} /> } title="Widget title" value="89.9%" /> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsE className="mb-3" chart={ <CChartLine className="mx-auto" style={{ height: '40px', width: '80px' }} data={{ labels: ['M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S', 'M'], datasets: [ { backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: '#321fdb', borderWidth: 2, data: [41, 78, 51, 66, 74, 42, 89, 97, 87, 84, 78, 88, 67, 45, 47], }, ], }} options={{ maintainAspectRatio: false, elements: { line: { tension: 0.4, }, point: { radius: 0, }, }, plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, }, scales: { x: { display: false, }, y: { display: false, }, }, }} /> } title="Widget title" value="89.9%" /> </CCol></CRow>
Widget title
Widget title
Widget title
Widget title
Widget title
Widget title
<CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsF className="mb-3" color="primary" icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={24} />} title="Widget title" value="89.9%"/> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsF className="mb-3" color="warning" icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={24} />} title="Widget title" value="89.9%"/> </CCol> </CRow> <CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsF className="mb-3" color="primary" icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={24} />} padding={false} title="Widget title" value="89.9%"/> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsF className="mb-3" color="warning" icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={24} />} padding={false} title="Widget title" value="89.9%"/> </CCol> </CRow> <CRow> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsF className="mb-3" color="primary" footer={ <CLink className="font-weight-bold font-xs text-body-secondary" href="" rel="noopener norefferer" target="_blank" > View more <CIcon icon={cilArrowRight} className="float-end" width={16} /> </CLink> } icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={24} />} title="Widget title" value="89.9%"/> </CCol> <CCol xs={6}> <CWidgetStatsF className="mb-3" color="warning" footer={ <CLink className="font-weight-bold font-xs text-body-secondary" href="" rel="noopener norefferer" target="_blank" > View more <CIcon icon={cilArrowRight} className="float-end" width={16} /> </CLink> } icon={<CIcon icon={cilChartPie} height={24} />} title="Widget title" value="89.9%"/> </CCol> </CRow>
import { CWidgetStatsA } from '@coreui/react'// orimport CWidgetStatsA from '@coreui/react/src/components/widgets/CWidgetStatsA'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
action | Action node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
chart | Chart node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
className | A string of all className you want applied to the base component. | string | - |
color | Sets the color context of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
title | Title node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
value | Value node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
import { CWidgetCWidgetStatsB } from '@coreui/react'// orimport CWidgetCWidgetStatsB from '@coreui/react/src/components/widgets/CWidgetStatsB'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
className | A string of all className you want applied to the base component. | string | - |
color | Sets the color context of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
inverse | Colors have been inverted from their default dark shade. | boolean | - |
progress | Sets the color context of the progress bar to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
text | Helper text for your component. | string | - |
title | Title node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
value | Value node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
import { CWidgetStatsCWidgetStatsC } from '@coreui/react'// orimport CWidgetStatsCWidgetStatsC from '@coreui/react/src/components/widgets/CWidgetStatsC'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
className | A string of all className you want applied to the base component. | string | - |
color | Sets the color context of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
icon | Icon node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
inverse | Colors have been inverted from their default dark shade. | boolean | - |
progress | Sets the color context of the progress bar to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
title | Title node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
value | Value node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
import { CWidgetStatsD } from '@coreui/react'// orimport CWidgetStatsD from '@coreui/react/src/components/widgets/CWidgetStatsD'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
chart | Chart node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
className | A string of all className you want applied to the base component. | string | - |
color | Sets the color context of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
icon | Icon node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
values | Values and titles for your component. | Value[] | - |
import { CWidgetStatsE } from '@coreui/react'// orimport CWidgetStatsE from '@coreui/react/src/components/widgets/CWidgetStatsE'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
chart | Chart node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
className | A string of all className you want applied to the base component. | string | - |
title | Title node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
value | Value node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
import { CWidgetStatsF } from '@coreui/react'// orimport CWidgetStatsF from '@coreui/react/src/components/widgets/CWidgetStatsF'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
className | A string of all className you want applied to the base component. | string | - |
color | Sets the color context of the component to one of CoreUI’s themed colors. | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'dark' | 'light' | string | - |
footer | Footer node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
icon | Icon node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
padding | Set padding of your component. | boolean | true |
title | Title node for your component. | ReactNode | - |
value | Value node for your component. | ReactNode | - |