Download react templates

Download CoreUI React Admin Templates to get the source code that lets you customize and create your react-based application.

On this page

Source files#

Compile CoreUI React Admin with your own asset pipeline by downloading our source Sass, and JavaScript files. This option requires some additional tooling:

  • Create React App
  • React, React Dom, React Router
  • Redux
  • Sass compiler for compiling your CSS.

PRO Templates#

If you have a valid PRO license you can re-download on our website. In case if your license has been expired, or you don't have a PRO license please visit our website to buy one.

Download PRO  Buy PRO

Clone repo#

You can also fork CoreUI React Admin Template's repository.

git clone my-project

If you have a valid Enterprise subscription you can fork CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template's repository.

git clone my-project