CoreUI PRO for Vue v5.1.0

CoreUI PRO for Vue v5.1.0

We are excited to announce the release of CoreUI PRO for Vue v5.1.0, available as of May 7, 2024. This update introduces new components and significant enhancements to dependencies, ensuring that CoreUI PRO for Vue continues to provide developers with the most up-to-date and efficient tools for building modern web applications.

How to Update

Upgrading to CoreUI PRO for Vue v5.1.0 is designed to be straightforward:

  1. Open your project’s package.json.
  2. Locate the @coreui/vue-pro entry under dependencies and update the version to 5.1.0.
  3. Also, find the @coreui/coreui-pro entry under dependencies and update the version to 5.1.0.
  4. Save your changes to the package.json file.
  5. In your project’s root directory, execute the update command:
    • For npm users, run npm install.
    • For yarn users, run yarn install.

What’s New


  • New CRating Component: We’ve introduced the CRating component, allowing users to easily implement a star rating system. This component is customizable, supporting different sizes, colors, and the ability to display half-stars for more precise ratings.

Dependency Updates

This release includes updates to several key dependencies, enhancing performance and ensuring compatibility with the latest web standards:

  • Updated @coreui/coreui-pro from ^5.0.0 to ^5.1.0
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from ^7.4.0 to ^7.8.0
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/parser from ^7.4.0 to ^7.8.0
  • Updated @vue/test-utils from ^2.4.5 to ^2.4.6
  • Updated date-fns from ^2.30.0 to ^3.6.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-unicorn from ^51.0.1 to ^52.0.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-vue from ^9.24.0 to ^9.25.0
  • Updated rollup from ^4.13.2 to ^4.17.2
  • Updated typescript from ^5.4.3 to ^5.4.5
  • Updated vue from ^3.4.21 to ^3.4.27
  • Updated vue-types from ^5.1.1 to ^5.1.2

CoreUI PRO for Vue v5.1.0 represents our ongoing commitment to providing a comprehensive suite of tools that enable developers to create efficient, robust, and visually appealing web applications with ease.

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