CoreUI Vue.js components library– gimme more?

Switching to another Vue components library is never easy. There are multitudes of them available on the market and we all know that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. So you may ask why should I try CoreUI Vue.js? Below you’ll get 5 good (not bad) reasons.
Saying that different component libraries are good or bad is saying nothing. Of course, they provide a different level of quality but the point is, that different tools have different applications that fit best for certain tasks. CoreUI originates from open-source, so we know actual needs but also the weak-points. There’s no wonder then, that we’ve utilized in the latest v3 CoreUI Vue a number of uncommon features. Some of these might be considered game-changers – would you agree?
1. Full UI support
We focus on providing every UI tool needed to create awesome web apps, so our library is supported by CSS library and Icons kit. Moreover, our CSS library is compatible with Bootstrap, so if you are familiar with Bootstrap but you demand something more than it provides, then CoreUI is an answer. On the other hand, if you’re happy to stay with bootstrap, our library goes in hand. And last but not least, let’s not forget about dozens of examples we provide on how to use our components in combination with styles and icons in the Dashboard.
2. Only essential features and straightforward definition
Some say… 😉 that some component libraries are covering enormous number of edge cases. Some might find it useful, but in most cases, it’s usually not necessary. On the other hand, some libraries limit components, making them quite easy to understand but not really flexible. CoreUI community believes that both flexibility and complexity are the key factors to component perfection, so we focus on making components easy and fast to understand. Intuitive denotes the coverage of all common usage cases. This approach lowers the number of component props, slots and events, making documentation more concise. As a result, time to grasp component functionalities is reduced to a necessary minimum. Additionally, components are written in the way, that there is only one good path to achieve desired results, which makes definitions consistent and prevents component bloat.
3. We are a professional team
CoreUI originates from open-source, but as the community grew and needs additional features, we must focus only on the constant development of our library. We are a professional team, working full time to make our products perfect in every detail. This approach makes project maintenance more reliable than other freeware. Why is it important? Just ask yourself a question - how many times have you used a tool which suddenly has been stopped to be supported? Usage of open-source products distributed by a professional company gives you advantages of both open-source and commercial products (maintenance, paid professional support and additional features).
4. Not overengineered
Components are written with readability in mind, they are comparatively short and easy to understand, so reading them is not a pain in your ass. This one is useful if you really want to understand the component by reading it or making changes. The same this makes the library a good foundation on which you can easily make your own components library.
5. Other (non) standard features
Besides the above-mentioned features, CoreUI delivers also fundamentals, which are improving quality in every component library like e.g.:
- full documentation,
- 100% test coverage,
- typescript support,
- VS Code IntelliSense support
Post scriptum
We’re glad that CoreUI’s Vue Admin Template got attention from the Vue community – here’s what you can find e.g on and