Happy Easter & #stayhome?

Happy Easter & #stayhome?
Table of Contents

This supposes to be a completely different newsletter… Our team wanted to wish you a pleasant Easter and enjoy your free time. But things have changed drastically and most of us change our scope. Really? Of course, some things could’ve been done better, yet it is hard to blame anyone for what has or has not been done, this situation is difficult as it is, the main effort now should go towards winning this uneven battle…

And you know what? CoreUI is not the one that shall blame anyone. The situation is difficult, you work remotely… but to be honest – before the pandemic situation – probably 90% of UI developers worked in the same manner. That’s why we shall support the medical staff and other people who’re dealing with this difficult situation and… #stayhome and do what we can best.

Technology seems to be one of the most powerful weapons during the pandemonium. Just to look at the popularity of Zoom, Netflix and the game industry. The same goes for UI… Did anyone of you stop any of your projects because of the virus? We bet you didn’t. That’s why to take life as it is. If you need to spend more time with your family, girlfriend, boyfriend, dog, cat or fish… cherish this time.

Being honest, this unique time, when some of us share with our families 24/7 would be… hard if it’s not been separated from our UI journey. That’s why as a CoreUI team we wanted to prepare something extraordinary, something which will blow your mind away, something… which will be available right after Easter 😊 Save the date, Thursday 16th of April, 2020. Together with our friends from MadeWithVuejs.com, MadeWithLaravel.com and MadeWithReactsjs.com we’ll launch something… B.I.G.

Wanna get a hint? Are you familiar with CoreUI v3? Yes, you know that CoreUI is the fastest way to build a modern dashboard for any platform, browser, or device. You know it’s a complete Dashboard UI Kit that allows you to quickly build eye-catching, high-quality, high-performance responsive applications. And you know that there are two easy ways to use CoreUI - you can add our components library to your project or use our fully-featured admin template.

But you didn’t know that…

More good news coming soon. Stay tuned to www.CoreUI.io, www.MadeWithVuejs.com, www.MadeWithLaravel.com, and www.MadeWithReactsjs.com. Take care and stay safe! #stayhome and get… 😉 t.b.c.

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