CoreUI Free React.js Admin Template v5.0.0 (Vite)

CoreUI Free React.js Admin Template v5.0.0 (Vite)

We’re excited to announce the release of CoreUI Free React.js Admin Template v5.0.0 (Vite) on March 28, 2024. This milestone release brings the template up to date with the latest versions of CoreUI’s suite of tools and libraries, ensuring developers have access to the most advanced features and optimizations available. By transitioning to Vite as the build tool, this version aims to offer an even more streamlined development experience, with faster build times and improved hot module replacement.

Dependency Updates

Key updates in this release focus on ensuring that all CoreUI related dependencies are aligned with their latest stable releases, alongside an update to Vite, enhancing the build and development process:

  • Updated @coreui/chartjs from ^4.0.0-rc.0 to ^4.0.0
  • Updated @coreui/coreui from ^5.0.0-rc-2 to ^5.0.0
  • Updated @coreui/react from ^5.0.0-rc.3 to ^5.0.0
  • Updated @coreui/react-chartjs from ^3.0.0-rc.0 to ^3.0.0
  • Updated vite from ^5.2.2 to ^5.2.6

The CoreUI Free React.js Admin Template v5.0.0 (Vite) is designed to provide developers with a solid foundation for building responsive, high-performance web applications using React. With these updates, the template becomes more efficient and easier to use and sets the stage for future enhancements and features.

For a detailed list of all changes, enhancements, and updates, we invite you to review the full changelog on GitHub.

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