CoreUI PRO Angular Admin Template v5.0.0

CoreUI PRO Angular Admin Template v5.0.0

We are excited to announce the release of the CoreUI PRO Angular Admin Template v5.0.0 on March 28, 2024. This milestone version brings a significant overhaul, enhancing every aspect of the template to align with the latest web development practices and standards. This update introduces critical fixes, extensive refactorings, and essential dependency updates, ensuring a state-of-the-art development experience.

Enhancements and Fixes


  • Dashboard Custom Tooltips: Addressed an issue where custom tooltips were not displayed on the first render of the dashboard’s main chart, alongside refinements to the main chart scales for better visualization and usability.


  • CoreUI v5 Integration: The entire template has been updated to CoreUI v5, incorporating updated styles, structure, and API for a modernized look and enhanced functionality.
  • Standalone Components App: Transitioned to a standalone components architecture, facilitating more manageable maintenance and scalability.
  • Routes Configuration: Overhauled the routes configuration for more intuitive navigation and organization.
  • Chart.js Upgrade: Updated to Chart.js v4, leveraging the latest charting technologies for improved data visualization.
  • Project Structure: Shifted from a containers-based approach to a layout-based project structure for better clarity and organization.
  • Control Flow Optimization: Enhanced control flow within the template for more efficient data handling and UI rendering.
  • Dashboard Main Chart Data: Implemented typings and theme switching fixes to ensure the dashboard’s main chart accurately reflects the selected theme.

Dependency Updates

Focusing on security, efficiency, and compatibility with the current web development ecosystem, we’ve updated several key dependencies:

  • Updated @angular/animations from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/cdk from ^17.2.2 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/common from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/compiler from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/core from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/forms from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/language-service from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/platform-browser from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/platform-browser-dynamic from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/router from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular-devkit/build-angular from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.2
  • Updated @coreui/angular-chartjs from ^4.0.0 to ^5.0.0

The CoreUI PRO Angular Admin Template v5.0.0 is designed from the ground up to support developers in creating dynamic, responsive, and visually appealing web applications efficiently. With these updates, the template becomes more powerful and user-friendly and sets the stage for future enhancements and features.

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