CoreUI PRO Angular 18.2 Admin Template v5.2.16

CoreUI PRO Angular 18.2 Admin Template v5.2.16

The CoreUI PRO Angular 18.2 Admin Template v5.2.16 is now available as of August 27, 2024. This update includes an upgrade to Angular 18.2, ensuring that your applications run smoothly and efficiently with the latest technology stack.

What’s New


  • Angular 18.2 template update.


  • ColorModeService: move setup from the default-header to the app component.


  • karma: custom chrome launcher with --disable-search-engine-choice-screen flag.

Dependency Updates

We updated key dependencies to the latest versions to improve performance, security, and compatibility with Angular 18.2 standards.

  • @angular/animations from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/cdk from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/common from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/compiler from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/core from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/forms from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/google-maps from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/language-service from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/localize from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/platform-browser from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/platform-browser-dynamic from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/router from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/cli from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/compiler-cli from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular/language-service from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @angular-devkit/build-angular from: ^18.1.0 to: ^18.2.1
  • @coreui/angular-chartjs from: ~5.2.5 to ~5.2.16
  • @coreui/angular-pro from: ~5.2.5 to ~5.2.16
  • @coreui/coreui-pro from: ~5.2.1 to ~5.4.0
  • @coreui/icons-angular from: ~5.2.5 to ~5.2.16
  • @fullcalendar/angular from: ^6.1.14 to ^6.1.15
  • @fullcalendar/daygrid from: ^6.1.14 to ^6.1.15
  • @fullcalendar/interaction from: ^6.1.14 to ^6.1.15
  • @fullcalendar/list from: ^6.1.14 to ^6.1.15
  • @fullcalendar/timegrid from: ^6.1.14 to ^6.1.15
  • @googlemaps/js-api-loader from: ^1.16.6 to: ^1.16.8
  • @types/google.maps from: ^3.55.11 to: ^3.55.12
  • @types/node from: ^20.14.10 to: ^20.16.1
  • chart.js from ^4.4.3 to: ^4.4.4
  • jasmine-core from: 5.1.2 to: ^5.2.0
  • karma from: ^6.4.3 to ^6.4.4,
  • tslib from: ^2.6.3 to: ^2.7.0
  • typescript from: ~5.4.5 to: ~5.5.4
  • zone.js from ~0.14.7 to ~0.14.10
  • micromatch to 4.0.8 - see vulnerability Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in micromatch

These updates bring your application to the latest Angular 18.2 and related library versions.

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