CoreUI PRO Angular 18.1 Admin Template v5.2.5

CoreUI PRO Angular 18.1 Admin Template v5.2.5

We are thrilled to announce that the CoreUI PRO Angular 18.1 Admin Template v5.2.5 is now accessible as of July 12, 2024. This update involves a migration to Angular 18.1. Upgrading to this version will guarantee that your applications operate smoothly and efficiently with the latest technology stack.

What’s New


  • Angular 18.1 template update.


  • Google Maps: view - major rewrite for @googlemaps/js-api-loader. Clean structure with extracted data and resize observer services.
  • Default Header: color mode dropdown cleanups
  • Tabs Component: view - new tabs component with keyboard interactions. The update enhances navigation and usability within the application.
  • Cards: view - card navigation update to the latest tabs api.
  • Aside: update aside tabs to the latest tabs api.
  • Placeholder: view - added an animation to the placeholder image.


  • Widgets: white c-progress works with inverse()

Dependency Updates

We have updated key dependencies to their latest versions, ensuring improved performance, security, and compatibility with the latest Angular 18.1 standards:

  • @angular/animations from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/cdk from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/common from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/compiler from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/core from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/forms from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/google-maps from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/language-service from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/localize from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/platform-browser from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/platform-browser-dynamic from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/router from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/cli from: ^17.3.8 to: ^18.0.5
  • @angular/compiler-cli from: ^17.3.11 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular/language-service from: ^17.3.11 to: ^18.1.0
  • @angular-devkit/build-angular from: ^17.3.0 to: ^18.0.5
  • @coreui/angular-chartjs from ~5.0.0 to ~5.2.5
  • @coreui/angular-pro from ~5.0.0 to ~5.2.5
  • @coreui/coreui-pro from ~5.0.0 to ~5.2.1
  • @coreui/icons-angular from ~5.0.0 to ~5.2.5
  • @fullcalendar/angular from ^6.1.10 to ^6.1.14
  • @fullcalendar/daygrid from ^6.1.10 to ^6.1.14
  • @fullcalendar/interaction from ^6.1.10 to ^6.1.14
  • @fullcalendar/list from ^6.1.10 to ^6.1.14
  • @fullcalendar/timegrid from ^6.1.10 to ^6.1.14
  • @types/google.maps from: ^3.55.5 to: ^3.55.11
  • @types/node from: ^20.11.30 to: ^20.14.10
  • chart.js from ^4.4.2 to ^4.4.3
  • tslib from: ^2.6.2 to: ^2.6.3
  • typescript from: ~5.3.3 to: ~5.4.5
  • zone.js from ~0.14.4 to ~0.14.7

These updates bring your application to the latest Angular 18.1 and related library versions.

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