CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.1.0

CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.1.0

We are proud to announce the official release of CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.1.0 on August 28, 2024. This major release marks another step forward in our commitment to delivering a robust and comprehensive admin template that takes full advantage of the latest web technologies. With v5.1.0, users can experience various improvements aimed at boosting performance, enhancing compatibility, and optimizing the developer experience.

What’s New

  • Build: Updated globby to v14.x for improved file system interactions.
  • Chore: General clean-up tasks to streamline code and improve maintainability.
  • Refactor: Optimized function arguments by removing unnecessary use of .length as the end argument.

Dependency Updates

This release includes several key updates to critical dependencies, ensuring that the template remains modern, secure, and aligned with current best practices:

  • Updated @babel/cli from ^7.24.1 to ^7.24.8.
  • Updated @babel/core from ^7.24.3 to ^7.25.2.
  • Updated @babel/preset-env from ^7.24.3 to ^7.25.4.
  • Updated @coreui/coreui-pro from ^5.0.0 to ^5.4.0.
  • Updated autoprefixer from ^10.4.19 to ^10.4.20.
  • Updated chart.js from ^4.4.2 to ^4.4.4.
  • Updated from ^2.0.3 to ^2.1.4.
  • Updated from ^2.0.3 to ^2.1.4.
  • Updated eslint-config-xo from ^0.44.0 to ^0.45.0.
  • Updated eslint-plugin-unicorn from ^51.0.1 to ^55.0.0.
  • Updated find-unused-sass-variables from ^5.0.0 to ^6.0.0.
  • Updated fullcalendar from ^6.1.11 to ^6.1.15.
  • Updated i18next from ^23.10.1 to ^23.14.0.
  • Updated i18next-browser-languagedetector from ^7.2.0 to ^8.0.0.
  • Updated i18next-http-backend from ^2.5.0 to ^2.6.1.
  • Updated nodemon from ^3.1.0 to ^3.1.4.
  • Updated postcss from ^8.4.38 to ^8.4.41.
  • Updated prettier from ^3.2.5 to ^3.3.3.
  • Updated pug from ^3.0.2 to ^3.0.3.
  • Updated rimraf from ^5.0.5 to ^6.0.1.
  • Updated sass from ^1.72.0 to ^1.77.8.
  • Updated serve from ^14.2.1 to ^14.2.3.
  • Updated simplebar from ^6.2.5 to ^6.2.7.
  • Updated stylelint from ^16.3.1 to ^16.9.0.
  • Updated stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap from ^14.0.0 to ^14.2.0.

This release exemplifies our ongoing efforts to ensure that CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template remains a powerful and versatile tool for developers. By keeping the framework and its dependencies up-to-date, we continue to provide a reliable foundation for building modern, responsive web applications.

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