CoreUI v5.0.2

CoreUI v5.0.2

We are pleased to announce the release of CoreUI v5.0.2, dated May 27, 2024. This minor update includes critical dependency updates and build enhancements to improve the overall stability and performance of the CoreUI library.

How to Update

To update your project to CoreUI v5.0.2, simply follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Navigate to your project’s package.json.
  2. Locate the @coreui/coreui entry under dependencies.
  3. Update the version number to 5.0.2.
  4. Save the changes to your package.json file.
  5. In your project’s root directory, run the update command:
    • For npm users, execute npm install.
    • For yarn users, execute yarn install.

What’s New


  • Sidebar: Improved SCSS variables for better customization and flexibility.


  • Layout: Updated the layout for better readability and user experience.
  • Table of Contents (ToC): Improved ToC for easier navigation.
  • CoreUI Icons: Updated the documentation to reflect the latest version of CoreUI Icons.
  • Content: General content updates to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Dependency Updates

We have updated several key dependencies to their latest versions, ensuring improved performance, security, and compatibility:

  • Updated @babel/cli from ^7.24.5 to ^7.24.6
  • Updated @babel/core from ^7.24.5 to ^7.24.6
  • Updated @babel/preset-env from ^7.24.5 to ^7.24.6
  • Updated @rollup/plugin-commonjs from ^25.0.7 to ^25.0.8
  • Updated hugo-bin from ^0.122.7 to ^0.123.1
  • Updated nodemon from ^3.1.0 to ^3.1.1
  • Updated rollup from ^4.17.2 to ^4.18.0
  • Updated sass from ^1.76.0 to ^1.77.2
  • Updated stylelint from ^16.5.0 to ^16.6.0

For a detailed overview of all the enhancements, fixes, and updates introduced in this version, please refer to the full changelog on GitHub.

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