How to Fix “Sass @import Rules Are Deprecated and Will Be Removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0.”

Fix Sass @import Rules Are Deprecated and Will Be Removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0.


For years, the @import rule has been the go-to approach for handling modular Sass code. However, the Sass team announced the deprecation of @import in favor of the newer module system. If your build process or existing codebase shows a warning—“Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0.”—it’s time to switch to the recommended @use or @forward directives. In this post, you’ll learn why the Sass team introduced this change, the best practices for migrating your code, and how to ensure your workflow remains smooth and maintainable.

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How to Manage Date and Time in Specific Timezones Using JavaScript

javascript sort array of objects

Handling date and time across different timezones is a common yet intricate task for JavaScript developers. Whether you’re working on global applications or time-sensitive services, precise date and time manipulation in specific timezones is essential. JavaScript provides native methods and modern APIs to simplify this task, but challenges like daylight saving time, timezone offsets, and formatting can still cause issues.

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How to sort an array of objects by string property value in JavaScript

javascript sort array of objects

Sorting an array of objects by a specific property is a common requirement in JavaScript, especially when dealing with complex data structures in real-world applications. In this article, we’ll explore how to sort an array of objects by string values using JavaScript’s sort method. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand how to implement a custom comparison function and sort arrays efficiently.

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How to Conditionally Add a Property to an Object in JavaScript

how to conditionally add a property to object

In JavaScript, dynamically adding properties to objects based on conditions is a common task. Whether you’re working with APIs, creating dynamic configurations, or simply managing data, knowing how to conditionally add properties can streamline your code. In this article, we’ll explore different methods to achieve this efficiently, ensuring you write clean, idiomatic code.

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What is globalThis in JavaScript?

npx vs npm

When working with JavaScript, the global object is a critical concept that provides access to the environment’s core functionalities. However, inconsistencies across different JavaScript environments, such as browsers, Node.js, and web workers, have long made accessing the global object challenging. To address this, the globalThis object was introduced as a unified mechanism to reliably access the global object in a consistent manner, regardless of the environment. This article explores what globalThis is, why it’s essential, and how to use it effectively.

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Understanding the Difference Between NPX and NPM

npx vs npm

In the ever-evolving landscape of JavaScript development, managing packages efficiently is crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, understanding the tools at your disposal can significantly impact your workflow. Two such essential tools are npm and npx. While both are integral to the Node Package Manager ecosystem, they serve distinct purposes. This article delves into the difference between npm and npx, elucidating their roles, best practices, and practical applications to enhance your development experience.

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Understanding the difference between `` and `for...of` statements in JavaScript

javascript sort array of objects

As JavaScript continues to evolve, understanding the nuances of its looping mechanisms becomes essential for developers aiming to write efficient and bug-free code. Two commonly used looping statements, and for...of, often lead to confusion due to their overlapping use cases. Grasping the difference between these loops is crucial for iterating over objects and iterable objects effectively, ensuring optimal performance and maintainability in your codebase.

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How to convert a string to boolean in JavaScript

javascript string to boolean

Working with different data types is a common task in JavaScript development. One frequent requirement is to convert a string to a boolean value. This article explores various methods to achieve this conversion, ensuring your code handles truthy values and false conditions accurately.

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How to validate an email address in JavaScript

email regex js

In web development, ensuring that user input is formatted correctly is crucial for maintaining data integrity and enhancing user experience. One common requirement is email validation. Implementing email validation in JavaScript allows developers to provide immediate feedback to users, ensuring that the email addresses entered are valid and correctly formatted. In this guide, we’ll explore how to implement email validation in JavaScript, using regular expressions and other techniques to validate email addresses effectively. We will also provide practical examples and methods using JavaScript code that you can directly copy and paste.

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What is the difference between typeof and instanceof in JavaScript

difference between typeof and instanceof

As a JavaScript developer, you might often wonder how to correctly identify the type of a variable or determine if an object belongs to a particular class. Two operators that help with this are typeof and instanceof. While they may seem similar, they serve different purposes and work in distinct ways. This article will break down these operators, explain their differences, and guide you on when to use each.

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