CoreUI Free Angular Admin Template v5.0.0

CoreUI Free Angular Admin Template v5.0.0

We’re pleased to announce the CoreUI Free Angular Admin Template v5.0.0 release on March 28, 2024. This significant update introduces a series of fixes and refinements to enhance the template’s functionality, usability, and overall performance. Central to this release is the transition to CoreUI v5, reflecting our commitment to staying aligned with the latest in web development practices and technologies.

Enhancements and Fixes


  • Dashboard Tooltips: Addressed an issue where custom tooltips were missing on the first render of the dashboard’s main chart, improving data visualization and user interaction.


  • CoreUI v5 Integration: Updated the template to leverage CoreUI v5, bringing enhanced styles, structure, and API improvements for a more modern and cohesive user experience.
  • Standalone Components App: Transitioned to standalone components for a more modular and maintainable codebase.
  • Routes Configuration: Refactored routes configuration for better scalability and readability.
  • Chart.js Upgrade: Updated to Chart.js v4, offering improved charting capabilities and performance.
  • Project Structure Overhaul: Moved from a container-based structure to a layout-focused approach, facilitating better project organization.
  • Control Flow Utilization: Enhanced control flow for more efficient rendering and data handling.
  • Dashboard Main Chart Typings and Theme Switching: We improved the typing and fixed theme switching issues for the dashboard’s main chart, ensuring compatibility with CoreUI’s theming options.

Dependency Updates

A key focus of this release has been on updating dependencies to their latest versions, ensuring the template remains secure, efficient, and aligned with current web development standards:

  • Updated @angular/animations from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/cdk from ^17.2.2 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/common from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/compiler from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/core from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/forms from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/language-service from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/platform-browser from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/platform-browser-dynamic from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular/router from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.1
  • Updated @angular-devkit/build-angular from ^17.3.0 to ^17.3.2
  • Updated @coreui/angular-chartjs from ^4.0.0 to ^5.0.0

The CoreUI Free Angular Admin Template v5.0.0 sets a new benchmark for free, open-source admin templates, offering a feature-rich platform for building dynamic and responsive Angular-based applications.

For a comprehensive overview of all the changes, enhancements, and updates, we invite you to review the full changelog on GitHub.

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