CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0-alpha.0

CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0-alpha.0

We’re excited to announce the release of CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0-alpha.0, which has been available since June 5, 2023. This initial alpha release marks the beginning of the v5 series, introducing a new set of features and improvements to enhance the developer and user experience. With updates across the board, from build processes to dependencies, this version sets a new standard for what you can expect from a free, open-source admin template.

What’s New


  • Color Mode Switch: A new feature to toggle between light and dark modes, enhancing usability and preference control.


  • Color and View Updates: Revamped colors and views for a more modern and cohesive look.
  • Breadcrumb Improvement: Enhanced breadcrumb functionality for better navigation and user experience.
  • Color Mode Enhancements: Further improvements to the color mode switch, including better dark mode support.
  • Chart.js Upgrade: Updated Chart.js to v4.3.0, optimizing chart appearances by removing borders for a cleaner look.

Build Process Enhancements

  • Pug Generator Update: Improved the pug file generation process for more efficient development.
  • Tabs ID Generator: Updated the tabs ID generator to minimize diffs and streamline version control processes.


  • Updated @babel/cli from ^7.19.3 to ^7.22.6
  • Updated @babel/core from ^7.20.2 to ^7.22.6
  • Updated @babel/preset-env from ^7.20.2 to ^7.22.6
  • Updated @coreui/chartjs from ^3.0.3 to ^3.1.2
  • Updated @coreui/coreui from ^4.2.3 to ^5.0.0-alpha.1
  • Updated @coreui/icons from ^2.1.0 to ^3.0.1
  • Updated @coreui/utils from ^1.3.1 to ^2.0.2
  • Updated autoprefixer from ^10.4.13 to ^10.4.14
  • Updated browser-sync from ^2.27.10 to ^2.29.3
  • Updated chart.js from ^3.9.1 to ^4.3.0
  • Updated clean-css-cli from ^5.6.1 to ^5.6.2
  • Updated eslint from ^8.28.0 to ^8.44.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-import from ^2.26.0 to ^2.27.5
  • Updated eslint-plugin-unicorn from ^44.0.0 to ^47.0.0
  • Updated find-unused-sass-variables from ^4.0.5 to ^5.0.0
  • Updated minimist from ^1.2.7 to ^1.2.8
  • Updated nodemon from ^2.0.20 to ^2.0.22
  • Updated postcss from ^8.4.19 to ^8.4.24
  • Updated postcss-cli from ^10.0.0 to ^10.1.0
  • Updated prettier from ^2.8.0 to ^3.0.0
  • Updated rimraf from ^3.0.2 to ^5.0.1
  • Updated sass from ^1.56.1 to ^1.63.6
  • Updated server from ^1.0.40 to ^
  • Updated simplebar from ^5.3.9 to ^6.2.5
  • Updated stylelint from ^14.15.0 to ^15.9.0
  • Updated stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap from ^6.0.0 to ^11.0.0
  • Updated sync-directory from ^4.1.2 to ^6.0.4

This alpha release of the CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0 is designed to provide developers with a powerful, flexible, and free resource for building high-quality, responsive admin panels and dashboards.

For a comprehensive overview of all changes, enhancements, and updates, we invite you to review the full changelog on GitHub.

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