CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0-rc.1

CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0-rc.1

We are excited to announce the release of CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0-rc.1, a significant update that brings enhancements to the responsiveness, style, and overall layout of the template. This release, dated March 4, 2024, marks an important step in our commitment to providing high-quality, user-friendly administrative templates built on the latest technologies.


  • The responsive behavior has been updated to ensure seamless user experiences across all devices.
  • Styles have seen improvements for a more modern and cohesive look.
  • The overall layout has been enhanced for better usability and navigation.


  • Updated @babel/cli from ^7.23.0 to ^7.23.9
  • Updated @babel/core from ^7.23.3 to ^7.24.0
  • Updated @babel/preset-env from ^7.23.3 to ^7.24.0
  • Updated @coreui/coreui from ^5.0.0-rc.0 to ^5.0.0-rc.2
  • Updated autoprefixer from ^10.4.16 to ^10.4.18
  • Updated browser-sync from ^2.29.3 to ^3.0.2
  • Updated chart.js from ^4.4.0 to ^4.4.2
  • Updated clean-css-cli from ^5.6.2 to ^5.6.3
  • Updated eslint from ^8.53.0 to ^8.57.0
  • Updated eslint-config-xo from ^0.43.1 to ^0.44.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-import from ^2.29.0 to ^2.29.1
  • Updated eslint-plugin-unicorn from ^48.0.1 to ^51.0.1
  • Updated nodemon from ^3.0.1 to ^3.1.0
  • Updated postcss from ^8.4.31 to ^8.4.35
  • Updated postcss-cli from ^10.1.0 to ^11.0.0
  • Updated prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.2.5
  • Updated sass from ^1.69.5 to ^1.71.1
  • Updated stylelint from 15.11.0 to 16.2.1
  • Updated stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap from ^11.0.1 to ^14.0.0

For a detailed list of all changes, visit the full changelog on GitHub.

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