CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0

CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0

We’re proud to announce the official release of CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0 on March 28, 2024. This major release signifies a milestone in our commitment to providing a robust and comprehensive admin template that leverages the latest web technologies. With v5.0.0, users can enjoy various updates to improve performance, compatibility, and the developer experience.

Dependency Updates

A key focus of this release has been on updating dependencies to their latest versions, ensuring the template remains secure, efficient, and aligned with current web development standards:

  • Updated @babel/cli from ^7.23.9 to ^7.24.1
  • Updated @babel/core from ^7.24.0 to ^7.24.3
  • Updated @babel/preset-env from ^7.24.0 to ^7.24.3
  • Updated @coreui/chartjs from ^4.0.0-rc.0 to ^4.0.0
  • Updated @coreui/coreui from ^5.0.0-rc.1 to ^5.0.0
  • Updated autoprefixer from ^10.4.18 to ^10.4.19
  • Updated postcss from ^8.4.35 to ^8.4.38
  • Updated sass from ^1.71.1 to ^1.72.0
  • Updated stylelint from 16.2.1 to 16.3.1

This release of CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template not only updates key dependencies but also lays down a solid foundation for future enhancements and features. It reflects our ongoing effort to deliver a template that meets the demands of modern web application development, providing an extensive set of powerful and easy-to-use tools and components.

For a comprehensive overview of all the changes introduced in this version, including detailed descriptions and implications, we invite you to review the full changelog on GitHub.

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