CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0

CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0

We’re thrilled to announce the release of CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0, dated March 28, 2024. This version marks a significant milestone in our journey, bringing forth the culmination of numerous enhancements, optimizations, and updates to dependencies that collectively elevate the template’s overall performance and user experience.

Dependency Updates

This release has focused on updating and refining the foundational elements that make up the template. To this end, we’ve made several critical updates to ensure that the template remains at the forefront of web development technology:

  • Updated @babel/cli from ^7.23.9 to ^7.24.1
  • Updated @babel/core from ^7.24.0 to ^7.24.3
  • Updated @babel/preset-env from ^7.24.0 to ^7.24.3
  • Updated @coreui/chartjs from ^4.0.0-rc.0 to ^4.0.0
  • Updated @coreui/coreui-pro from ^5.0.0-rc.1 to ^5.0.0
  • Updated autoprefixer from ^10.4.18 to ^10.4.19
  • Updated postcss from ^8.4.35 to ^8.4.38
  • Updated sass from ^1.71.1 to ^1.72.0
  • Updated stylelint from 16.2.1 to 16.3.1

CoreUI PRO Bootstrap Admin Template v5.0.0 is a testament to our commitment to providing a highly versatile, efficient, and cutting-edge toolkit for developers aiming to create responsive, aesthetically pleasing, and functionally rich web applications.

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