CoreUI PRO for React v5.3.0

CoreUI PRO for React v5.3.0

We are thrilled to announce the release of CoreUI PRO for React v5.3.0, packed with new features, critical fixes, and dependency updates that enhance the stability and performance of the CoreUI library.

How to Update

To ensure a smooth transition to CoreUI PRO for React v5.3.0, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Open your project’s package.json.
  2. Locate the @coreui/react-pro entry under dependencies and update the version number to 5.3.0.
  3. Find the @coreui/coreui-pro entry under dependencies and update the version number to 5.3.0.
  4. Save your changes to the package.json file.
  5. In your project’s root directory, run the appropriate update command:
    • For npm users, execute npm install.
    • For yarn users, execute yarn install.

What’s New




  • CMultiSelect: Add name property to improve handling the name attribute of the native select component.
  • CMultiSelect: Allows resetting selection when options are updated.
  • CDatePicker, CDateRangePicker: Add the name property to allow setting name attributes for input elements.
  • CTimePicker: Add id and name properties to allow setting those attributes for the input element.

Dependency Updates

This release also includes updates to several dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest features and security patches:

  • Updated @rollup/plugin-commonjs from ^25.0.8 to ^26.0.1
  • Updated @testing-library/jest-dom from ^6.4.5 to ^6.4.6
  • Updated @testing-library/react from ^14.3.1 to ^16.0.0
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from ^7.10.0 to ^7.15.0
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/parser from ^7.10.0 to ^7.15.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-react from ^7.34.1 to ^7.34.3
  • Updated eslint-plugin-unicorn from ^51.0.1 to ^54.0.0
  • Updated gatsby from ^5.13.5 to ^5.13.6
  • Updated lerna from ^8.1.3 to ^8.1.6
  • Updated prettier from ^3.2.5 to ^3.3.2
  • Updated rimraf from ^5.0.7 to ^5.0.8
  • Updated sass from ^1.77.2 to ^1.77.6
  • Updated ts-jest from ^29.1.3 to ^29.1.5
  • Updated tslib from ^2.6.2 to ^2.6.3
  • Updated typescript from ^5.4.5 to ^5.5.3

These updates ensure the library remains secure, efficient, and aligned with current web development standards.

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