CoreUI PRO for React v5.9.2

CoreUI PRO for React v5.9.2

We’re pleased to announce the release of CoreUI PRO for React v5.9.2! This version brings significant refactors aimed at improving functionality, performance, and developer experience. These updates solidify CoreUI PRO as a leading choice for creating responsive, feature-rich React applications.

How to Update

Follow these steps to upgrade to CoreUI PRO for React v5.9.2:

  1. Open your package.json file.
  2. Update the @coreui/react-pro dependency to version 5.9.2.
  3. Update the @coreui/coreui-pro dependency to version 5.7.0.
  4. Save the changes to your package.json.
  5. Run the following command in your project directory:
    • npm users: npm install
    • yarn users: yarn install

What’s New


  • CRangeSlider:
    • Improved support for right-to-left (RTL) layouts, enhancing accessibility for languages like Arabic and Hebrew.
    • Excluded right mouse button events during mousedown handling, preventing unintended behaviors.

Why Update?

This release focuses on refining existing components to ensure seamless usability and compatibility across diverse environments. The improvements to CRangeSlider significantly enhance its adaptability and precision, offering developers more control in crafting polished user interfaces.

Stay up to date to take full advantage of CoreUI PRO’s cutting-edge capabilities in React application development.

For the full list of changes and updates, visit CoreUI PRO for React on GitHub.

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