CoreUI for React v5.0.0-rc.2

CoreUI for React v5.0.0-rc.2

We’re pleased to announce CoreUI for React v5.0.0-rc.2, a substantial update that brings improvements to component styling, ensuring text readability across different themes and modes, and a sweeping update of dependencies to enhance the performance and compatibility of your projects. Released on March 7, 2024, this version underscores our dedication to providing developers with a robust, efficient, and adaptable environment for building React applications.

Here’s what’s new:


  • We’ve updated the CBadge component to ensure that badge colors maintain text readability across both light and dark modes, especially when custom colors are applied.


  • Updated @coreui/coreui from ^5.0.0-rc.1 to ^5.0.0-rc.2
  • Updated @docsearch/css from ^3.5.2 to ^3.6.0
  • Updated @rollup/plugin-typescript from ^11.1.5 to ^11.1.6
  • Updated @testing-library/jest-dom from ^6.1.5 to ^6.4.2
  • Updated @testing-library/react from ^14.1.2 to ^14.2.1
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from ^6.15.0 to ^7.1.1
  • Updated @typescript-eslint/parser from ^6.15.0 to ^7.1.1
  • Updated @types/jest from ^29.5.11 to ^29.5.12
  • Updated @types/react from 18.2.45 to 18.2.63
  • Updated @types/react-dom from ^18.2.18 to ^18.2.20
  • Updated classnames from ^2.3.2 to ^2.5.1
  • Updated eslint from 8.56.0 to 8.57.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-prettier from ^5.1.2 to ^5.1.3
  • Updated eslint-plugin-react from ^7.33.2 to ^7.34.0
  • Updated eslint-plugin-unicorn from ^50.0.1 to ^51.0.1
  • Updated gatsby from ^5.13.1 to ^5.13.3
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager from ^5.13.0 to ^5.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-image from ^3.13.0 to ^3.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-manifest from ^5.13.0 to ^5.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-mdx from ^5.13.0 to ^5.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-offline from ^6.13.0 to ^6.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-react-helmet from ^6.13.0 to ^6.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-sass from ^6.13.0 to ^6.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-sharp from ^5.13.0 to ^5.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-plugin-sitemap from ^6.13.0 to ^6.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-remark-autolink-headers from ^6.13.0 to ^6.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-source-filesystem from ^5.13.0 to ^5.13.1
  • Updated gatsby-transformer-sharp from ^5.13.0 to ^5.13.1
  • Updated lerna from ^8.0.1 to ^8.1.2
  • Updated postcss-cli from ^10.1.0 to ^11.0.0
  • Updated prettier from ^3.1.1 to ^3.2.5
  • Updated rollup from ^4.9.1 to ^4.12.1
  • Updated sass from ^1.69.5 to ^1.71.1
  • Updated stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap from ^11.0.1 to ^14.0.0
  • Updated stylelint from 15.11.0 to 16.2.1
  • Updated ts-jest from ^29.1.1 to ^29.1.2
  • Updated typescript from ^5.3.3 to ^5.4.2
  • Updated react-imask from ^7.2.1 to ^7.5.0

This release not only enhances the functionality and usability of CoreUI for React but also ensures your projects benefit from the latest advancements in the ecosystem.

For a comprehensive list of changes in this update, visit the full changelog on GitHub

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