CoreUI 3.0 hooks on React.js?

You know CoreUI React.js for so many years, e.g. thanks to Free and Pro versions.
Now it’s time for V3… What’s the difference?
Reactstrap has been replaced with our own code, which with the new context API and one naming convention across all components – brings a lot of new features that help to create amazing user interfaces. Eager to know more? Take a look…
CoreUI #stayHome #getPro for Free

No matter if it’s Poland, the USA, Span, Italy, Russia, or India – we allface the same problem. There’s no wonder then, that many times you’ve been asking us if we could support the worldwide struggle with the COVID-19 spreading. The answer was always easy: YES, YES, YES. That’s why we give you an -25% discount with #stayHomecode and if it’s not enough… you can get the PRO license completelyfor free.
Happy Easter & #stayhome?

This supposes to be a completely different newsletter… Our team wanted to wish you a pleasant Easter and enjoy your free time. But things have changed drastically and most of us change our scope. Really? Of course, some things could’ve been done better, yet it is hard to blame anyone for what has or has not been done, this situation is difficult as it is, the main effort now should go towards winning this uneven battle…
CoreUI Vue.js components library– gimme more?

Switching to another Vue components library is never easy. There are multitudes of them available on the market and we all know that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. So you may ask why should I try CoreUI Vue.js? Below you’ll get 5 good (not bad) reasons.
CoreUI 3k+ icons set – why the … did we do this?!

Webpage or an app interface means nothing if it’s not glued with sexy set of icons. You know it best. So to be honest, we’ve got an answer for above question. But… there’s always a “but” 😉 You may ask why we let more than 3000 icons to be downloaded for free? X-mas gift, Black Friday in December, New Year’s madness? No way – from now on, you can use CoreUI icons for free. We’re open source, so it should be for free. Save your time and drag them in your design.
Laravel rockz?

You’ve been asking us to introduce CoreUI for #Laravel and as you know – your wish is our command 😉, so here it is: You can check both Free and PRO versions. What’s inside? Saying a bunch of responsive, customizable, and reusable components you need to create modern, beautiful, responsive apps is saying (almost) nothing.
Are you ready for CoreUI 3.0?

The beta version has just been released.
Some say… 😉 that CoreUI admin template is one of the most popular open-source admin panel template. Some may ask – why? Because it delivers all responsive, customizable, and reusable components, you might need to create simply beautiful & responsive apps. But the beauty would be nothing without time-to-market. So please cordially welcome CoreUI 3.0 (beta).
Leave well alone?

We believe that we all know that sentence, but to be honest - like humans, companies change over time and, when it does, a brand redesign becomes necessary. We bet you noticed latest changes in our design and if you’re interested in more detailed information, pls read this post.
What’s new and updated in CoreUI 3

Version 3 has been re-written and re-designed completely from scratch. Here are the key changes in v3:
Bootstrap Icons

Bootstrap 4 doesn’t include an icon library by default, that’s why many developers looking for best icons. Where you can find awesome Bootstrap Icons for your project?