How to migrate CoreUI React Templates to Vite

How to migrate CoreUI React Templates to Vite

After carefully considering and evaluating our build and development tools in version 5 of our React.js admin templates, we have decided to migrate from Create React App (CRA) to Vite. This decision was driven by several key factors that align with our goals for a more efficient and modern development experience.

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How to Migrate from create-react-app to Vite?

How to Migrate from create-react-app to Vite?

In the evolving landscape of web development, keeping up with efficient tools and processes is crucial for any developer looking to enhance performance and maintainability. Vite has emerged as a natural successor to Create React App (CRA) for many looking to build modern, single-page React applications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the steps to migrate your project from CRA to Vite, with a focus on practicality and ease.

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