Mastering the Spread Operator (`...`) in React.js
In React.js, the three dots (...
), commonly known as the spread operator, are a powerful tool for managing state, props, and arrays within your applications. The spread syntax simplifies many common tasks, such as merging objects, copying arrays, and passing props to components. Understanding how to effectively use the spread operator is crucial for building efficient and maintainable React components.
Using the JavaScript Spread Operator in React
Passing Props to React Components
One of the most common uses of the spread operator in React is when passing props to child components. Instead of manually specifying each prop, you can use the spread syntax to pass all properties of a props object at once.
How to use Bootstrap 5 in React.js - an original tutorial with (not original) examples
Bootstrap is a holy Grail for most of us - it’s the most popular HTML, CSS and most of all JS library in the world. And as a Christmas miracle—Bootstrap v5.3.0-alpha1 has arrived during the holiday break, so… let’s dig inside and check how to use bootstrap in React.